Problems Home Gym Owners Face (December 2022)


The most recent “Home Gym Issues Survey” didn’t reveal too much that we already didn’t know. The results didn’t change too much from previous surveys.

Nevertheless, here is a refresher with the most recent results.

The Two Biggest Issues remain unchanged which are the price of obtaining more equipment and lack of space for the home gym.

Only 10% (price) and 13% (space) said that there was no issue with either of these potential problems.

These are the two largest issues by a wide margin.

A Newcomer to the list. Celing height is the third largest issue according to the data.

Ceiling height was added to this list after some community feedback. I personally lumped it in with “lack of space,” in the past but have been convinced! Over 36% said that it was at least a medium issue.

Other Mild Issues

At least 25% expressed temperature control, amount of equipment, distractions during home workouts, and keeping home gym clean as medium issues.

Small Problems

Less than 20% said that lighting, quality of equipment, concern about making too much noise, and warming up for home workouts were at least medium issues.

Very Small Problems

Finishing workouts, working out safely, and equipment aging are the very smallest issues people are dealing with.


You can hear these survey questions discussed on Garage Gym Radio, Spotify, Apple, or wherever you listen to podcasts.


  1. Great research and article as always. We’ve heard a lot of similar feedback regarding ceiling height, it’s a big reason that led us to create our GPR400 Power Rack that has a height of just 79 inches (~6.6 feet).

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