Some Friends for your Abs

Remember when you were first learning to do sit-ups and you’d have someone lightly stand on your toes so that your feet didn’t come up? The Ab Amigo is the grown-up version of that.

Dylan Tellum had this simple idea after breaking his dresser during his daily sit-up routine. The Ab Amigo, a situp bar that can slide under a number of objects, has a number of benefits. The whole package also includes an Ab Mat and Ab Wrap. All can be purchased seprate from one another. Nevertheless, this combination of products is convenient, makes several core exercises more comfortable, helps to improve form and is the most versatile and effective sit-up package available for the money. 

Durable and MADE IN THE U.S.A.


The Ab Amigo is extremely easy to configure and can slide under anything less than 3/4ths of an inch. It can easily be put under a doorway, desk, sofa, squat rack, bumper plates, plyo-box, etc. The trio of items can be easily transported from one spot to another easily so it’s easy to grab a quick ab workout at all times. The Ab Amigo does not need to be bolted down.

“Train Your Core Under a Door.”


This combination of products also makes the sit-up and other core related exercises more comfortable. For the Ab Amigo, the wave-shaped foam offers multiple foot options and is much more comfortable than putting your feet under a sharper object (like a dresser) or being stood on. Then, the Ab Mat and Wrap help to pad the lower back. 

Foam padding for comfort

Better Form

The Ab Amigo helps you to isolate your core and use better technique when doing sit-ups. Your legs aren’t going to go flying up with your feet firmly under the Amigo. By keeping your feet on the ground, you use your core instead of the legs or back. It’s like you have your very own personal spotter.

This is a great option for those of all fitness levels. It’s helpful for those in the beginning stages because if forces you to use correct technique. In addition, the Amigo is useful for those with more experience adding weight like med balls, plates, or dumbbells to their routine. There’s also the option to do “unanchored sit-ups with a bit of a gap like a door. 

In conclusion, the Ab Amigo is a versatile tool for those looking to add more focus to their core. It’s convenient, makes ab exercises more comfortable, and helps to improve the sit-up. It’s for all fitness levels and all can benefit from this simple tool. The Ab Amigo costs $39.99 and $69.99 will get you “The Whole Enchilada.” The combination of these products will take your core workouts to the next level if you are willing to make this minor investment.

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