Home Gym Hacks

A Reason to Keep that Leaf Blower Out All Year

The leaf blower may be the most popular home gym hack there is. With the garage doors open, it’s the easiest way to blow out dirt, dust, dog hair, chalk, leaves, or whatever else may get into the garage. You’ll also easily reach all corners and spots that are tough to reach with a broom, and it’s much easier than getting a vacuum out each time.

One tip would be to make sure that you are getting a cordless option. Much of the convenience is taken away if you need to find an extension cord each time. This option from RYOBI is easy to operate, lightweight, not too expensive, has enough power to get the job done, and you can even use it to blow leaves (who would have thought).

A Simple Way to Keep Horse Stall Mats in Place

It’s pretty well known by home gym owners that Horse Stall Mats from a company like Tractor Supply is probably the most cost-effective way to fill up your gym floor. These mats have a nice grip, are extremely durable, and much cheaper than traditional “gym flooring.” However, as you work out on them, they’ll shift, and gaps will form (see below). You’ll spend time pushing them back together, and debris can get into the middle. It’s just an annoying issue. One of the fixes is simple, cheap, and something most with a home gym can do. Add Gorilla Tape to the corners and other spots where the horse stall mats connect. After adding tape to the corners, a few additional pieces in between will keep them from coming apart. If you want to eliminate all debris from entering between the mats, you can cover all creases. This also makes it easier to clean. You don’t have to worry about water seeping through to the floor.

Magnetic Hooks for Gym Storage

These magnetic hooks will hold up to 22 pounds. Thus, they are a simple and cheap way to get bands, jump ropes, straps, and other items off the floor. They attach easily and can be used indoors or outdoors (in the gym or out of the gym). You can grab these from Amazon for about 50 cents apiece with different quantities options available..

Bike Hooks to the Rescue

As you grow your gym, you’ll probably accumulate a bunch of stuff that is tough to store like jump ropes, resistance bands, wrist wraps, collars, etc. These are the types of items that usually end up on the ground or shoved in a corner and you don’t want to have to build out shelving for. Bike hooks to the rescue!

The bike hooks cost less than a few bucks each and install into the studs of your wall with ease. There are definitely great storage options out there you can buy, but you can save the $30 or so if you are just looking to hang items the ones you see below.

Extra Bench Pad

An extra bench pad can be handy to have around the home gym. Not only can you use it for floor press, but it can be used as a cushion for a number of other movements. There are likely many other ways you can get creative with this pad too.