2024 Dumbbell Data


Below is a quick look at some dumbbell data from the most recent sunday survey.

Please let me know if there is any other questions surrounding dumbbells that you’d like us to ask.

You can listen to us chat about these results plus what dumbbells we’d choose if we had to do it again on this episode of The Garage Gym Experiment Podcast.

  • Traditional dumbbell sets narrowly beat out adjustable dumbbells & they combined for nearly 90% of the votes. “Traditional dumbbell sets” would likely have been an easy winner a few years ago, but the recent advancements have definitely helped close the gap.

Dumbbell Handle Preference is Fully Knurled for Most

89% chose dumbbells vs. 11% chose kettlebells if they could only have one.

32% say they would buy dumbbells before a barbell when building out a home gym.

3% express high interest in HAVAK Triads, 62% do not know what they are.

    Please share your experience