Kadillac Bar Review


The Kadillac Bar was the first of its kind, combining a Duffalo style bar with multiple grip options. The top-notch construction and overall versatility make it arguably the top specialty bar designed for upper-body work in the world. Whether you’re dealing with injuries or not, this is a premium bar that’ll add a ton of versatility to anyone’s barbell arsenal. The price point will be a hard one to swallow for most, though. It’s an option for those who want the best.

Specs & Usage

A bar like this should be at the top of this list for anyone who consistently has shoulder discomfort. The cambered angle (the same as the Duffalo Bar) allows for an increased range of motion and less pain for many who experience it when benching. Rather than feeling the strain on your shoulders, it’s much more likely you’ll get a good “chest pump.” It’s very easy to keep “good form” when using this bar.

In addition, three grip widths are included at 14″, 21″, and 29.” Both sides of the bar can be used, so there actually are 6 total grip options.

The 10, 12.5, and 15-degree grip angles allow your hands to be in the proper place to help eliminate pain on wrists and again shoulders. While it’s tough to say these are the most “optimal” angles, you most likely won’t find a more comfortable bar to bench with.

With this camber and grip handle combo, this multi-grip bar is extremely stable to use. Other multi-grip bars that do not include this feature have the ability to make your wrists shake as the weight goes up (especially when you first start), but it’s not as likely with the Kadillac Bar.

The Kadillac Bar will fit on most standard racks but is a tight (but manageable) squeeze for those with racks with an outside width of 47.”

There is no knurling throughout the bar, but it does include a textured powder coat that is very easy to grip. While knurling would be a nice addition, there really are not any issues with maintaining a hold on this bar.

Olympic sleeves are used, which is actually somewhat uncommon when it comes to using many specialty bars. Therefore, you do not need to go out and get special collars for a thinner sleeve size.

The sleeves include a standard size sleeve length of 16.75″, so loading up a ton of weight will not be an issue. While it’ll get dinged up, the bright zinc finish looks nice and should hold up well over time. The scratches are tough to see from a distance, unlike a powder coat option that’ll show imperfections much sooner.

What can it be used for?

It’s labeled a “Specialty Bench Bar,” but it can be used for much more. Curls, rows, and shoulder pressing are all other options. Plus, with increased grip options, there are multiple ways each movement can be performed. The cambered angle and various grips make all of these lifts slightly different from anything else you may have in the gym.

For example:

  • With curls, you have the ability to choose several different neutral grip options.
  • It also provides a different feel for rows. With the camber, you’re able to bring the weight even deeper than you could with a traditional barbell.
  • With a 7″ wide frame, it does include a thinner profile than many other multi-grip bars on the market. This makes it easier to wield around, store, and to press up since it’s not as wide.

  • For bench, it performs exceptionally well for close grip, traditional grip, and the widest option is a very nice stretch.

Additional Details

  • Some assembly is required, but this does help reduce the overall shipping cost. You should be able to have it all assembled in 20 minutes or so.

  • The end caps are potentially the best looking ones out there.

  • “Kabuki” is laser cut into the middle of the bar. This is a nice touch and an aesthetics feature that you won’t find on many other bars.

  • The bar does have the tendency to filp when on the j-cups. It’s not difficult to flip back around, but you’ll need to be cognizant of this when getting under to bench or you’ll potentially bump your head.


Considering this product is made in the USA and includes many unique features, it’s not surprising that it includes a premium price. The total damage after shipping is going to be above $500. The promo code GGE5 will save you 5% off, though.

This is a tough price to pay when there are similar options (that may not be as good) but will do the job for most at a fraction of the price, for example, the Multi-Grip Camber Bar from Titan.

One thing to keep in mind is the Blemished Bar option, where you’ll find options with some cosmetic blemishes, but will still be 100% functional at a 10% discount.


While just about everyone could benefit, and anyone who performs strength training would enjoy using this bar, the cost is definitely a huge factor. The Kadillac Bar is for those that want the best barbell available for themselves, personal training clients, or gym members. It will especially benefit anyone accustomed to shoulder pain when pressing.

Furthermore, it’s much more versatile than its “specialty bench” label. It’s an item that you could use multiple times during a training week and not get bored.

In the end, it wouldn’t be too controversial to say this is the best multi-grip bar available today.


  1. I own this and love it… and literally every word is spot on.

    Only small thing I’d note is the bar is unstable compared to a regular straight bar. It took me a little time to get used to. I never had a football bar/multi grip bar before so this was my first experience. It shook at first and then stabilizes when weight is on.

    Also I have a Rep PR 5000 and it is TIGHT but I actually like that because it doesn’t flip over. 🙂 So that was a small bonus.

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