Company Overview
Kabuki Strength is known for creating some of the best barbells IN THE WORLD. From the Transformer Bar to the Kadillac Bar, these premium bars are carefully thought out and proudly produced in the Pacific Northwest.
In addition, with a library full of masterclasses, lectures, articles, and a number of coaching services, Kabuki is passionate about educating and instructing the strong community they serve.

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This profile is designed to give you a complete summary of what this company has to offer with product reviews, survey data, other business insights, and the chance for you to add your own experience with the company.
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Transformer Bar Review
Not only is it the most versatile specialty bar in the world, but the 4th generation of Transformer Bar is simple to use. This unique tool will transform your leg days, and you may find yourself rarely using a traditional barbell for your lower body movements if in possession of one.
This review aims to discuss the versatility, built quality, functionality and see if it would make a solid addition for those with home gyms. This is not being written from a “strength coach” perspective. Since this is a bar primarily designed for serious strength athletes, it felt necessary to add in this disclaimer before you start reading.

Let’s talk about it.
Who is it for?
This premium product with a high cost is not primarily designed for your average home gym owner. As mentioned in the disclaimer, it is fundamentally an item for very serious strength athletes or gyms that need a ton of variety.
However, if budget or space is not a concern, anyone can benefit from this bar and it would accommodate those with limited mobility the most. The majority of us would call this a “dream item,” but there is no doubt it would be used often in most home gyms if available.
While the starting cost may be too high for many to swallow, it may actually be one of the better “value” specialty bars out there since it has so many options. Can you say that about a bar that will cost over $800 after shipping? Maybe not, but read the rest of the review and decide for yourself.

This is much more than a typical Safety Squat Bar. 6 different squat pattern movements can be replicated by adjusting the spring pin, which is remarkably simple to adjust. 30 degrees of variance separates each position. Each section is labeled bluntly on the bar, so there is no confusion about what setting you are on.
- Goblet Squat puts the weight in the farthest forward position and is similar to doing a goblet squat with a kettlebell.
- Front squat places the weight slightly in front of your shoulders to simulate this lift.
- Safety Squat Bar drops it down one more to put the weight just out in front of the shoulder.
- High Back Squat represents squatting with the bar at the top of shoulders.
- Low Bar Back Squat replicates the bar on the back of the shoulders.
- Hinge is the last position, which places it in a position that makes good mornings and “hinge patterning”
Kadillac Bar Review
The Kadillac Bar was the first of its kind, combining a Duffalo style bar with multiple grip options. The top-notch construction and overall versatility make it arguably the top specialty bar designed for upper-body work in the world. Whether you’re dealing with injuries or not, this is a premium bar that’ll add a ton of versatility to anyone’s barbell arsenal. The price point will be a hard one to swallow for most, though. It’s an option for those who want the best.

Specs & Usage
A bar like this should be at the top of this list for anyone who consistently has shoulder discomfort. The cambered angle (the same as the Duffalo Bar) allows for an increased range of motion and less pain for many who experience it when benching. Rather than feeling the strain on your shoulders, it’s much more likely you’ll get a good “chest pump.” It’s very easy to keep “good form” when using this bar.
In addition, three grip widths are included at 14″, 21″, and 29.” Both sides of the bar can be used, so there actually are 6 total grip options.
The 10, 12.5, and 15-degree grip angles allow your hands to be in the proper place to help eliminate pain on wrists and again shoulders. While it’s tough to say these are the most “optimal” angles, you most likely won’t find a more comfortable bar to bench with.
With this camber and grip handle combo, this multi-grip bar is extremely stable to use. Other multi-grip bars that do not include this feature have the ability to make your wrists shake as the weight goes up (especially when you first start), but it’s not as likely with the Kadillac Bar.
The Kadillac Bar will fit on most standard racks but is a tight (but manageable) squeeze for those with racks with an outside width of 47.”

There is no knurling throughout the bar, but it does include a textured powder coat that is very easy to grip. While knurling would be a nice addition, there really are not any issues with maintaining a hold on this bar.

Olympic sleeves are used, which is actually somewhat uncommon when it comes to using many specialty bars. Therefore, you do not need to go out and get special collars for a thinner sleeve size.
The sleeves include a standard size sleeve length of 16.75″, so loading up a ton of weight will not be an issue. While it’ll get dinged up, the bright zinc finish looks nice and should hold up well over time. The scratches are tough to see from a distance, unlike a powder coat option that’ll show imperfections much sooner.

Are Kabuki Bars Worth It?
For the average person building out their home gym on a budget, they are probably not. Kabuki barbells are fundamentally an item for very serious strength athletes, those dealing with injuries/flexibility issues, or gyms/personal trainers with clients that need a ton of variety. They would also be helpful in attracting new clients.
However, if budget or space is not a concern, anyone can benefit from these tools, which should last a lifetime. The majority of us would call these “dream items,” but there is no doubt they would be used often in most home gyms if available.

- GGE5 will save you 5% off bars from Kabuki Strength.

Hot or not Results
Item | Hot🔥 | Not🥶 | % 🔥 | Category |
Kabuki Open Trap Bar | 4,092 | 958 | 81.03% | Barbells |
Kabuki Iron Plates | 8,108 | 1,981 | 80.36% | Plates |
Kadillac Bar | 4,774 | 1,611 | 74.77% | Barbells |
Kabuki Transformer Bar | 3,457 | 1,505 | 69.67% | Barbells |
Kratos Flywheel | 3,632 | 3,945 | 47.93% | Specialty Equipment |
Additional Resources
- The Kurtlocker does an in-depth review of the Transformer Bar where he states “It’s easily the best made and most versatile safety squat bar on the market.
More Survey Data
- Nearly 9% of survey respondents say they own something from Kabuki (8/29/2021), and 72% have heard of this company (8/8/2021).
- What are you likely to buy first? The Kabuki Strength Transformer Bar or a belt squat? The winner for this poll was “no interest in either.” However, about 2 out of 3 voted for one of these items, with the Kabuki bar beating out belts squats by 4% points (34% vs. 30%). – 8/15/2021

I have a Kadillac bar and love it. Transformer bar will be the next bar I buy by any company.
Both are incredible pieces of equipment.
I ordered a Kabuki Blemished Transformer Bar and I love it. so much better on my shoulders, neck, and spine than a regular bar. Also, the blemish wasn’t that big of a deal and barely noticeable. I only noticed because they said what the issue was for that batch. I love variation and the Transformer Bar is perfect for that. Definitely thinking about adding other bars down the road from them.
Best specialty bar makers in the game
Quality is unmatched. I have the power bar in nickel finish and it’s beautiful. The knurling is different than any other bar I’ve felt. It’s grippy without being sharp. I also have the Kadillac bar. It’s extremely versatile. I use it for Pull-ups, bench, rows, and curls. The shoulder rok is a tool I cannot recommend highly enough. I use it before every workout. My shoulders are better for it.
Expensive but superior quality. If you can afford it but it!
I own the Kadillac bar and the the only question I have for everyone — is it a tad bit wobbly? Mine is pretty sturdy but it is still a bit wobbly. I think when more weight goes on it, it gets way more sturdy but initial lift off is a bit shaky. It’s very slight but does anyone else feel this?
Outside of that, the trap bar and the Kad bar are UNREAL and worth every penny. I use them weekly.
I actually havnt bought anything yet but im stick between two bars. The highest quality ive seen on the market
Fantastic equipment!
You definitely get what you pay for
I have all of kabuki’s body tempering tools and the quality could not be better. Make a huge difference in my training as well as my clients