Ab Amigos! More Friends for your Abs

The Ab Amigo Mini and Wall Amigo are fresher versions of the “Original Ab Amigo.” If you haven’t seen the original review, you can find it here: “Some Friends for your Abs.” The Ab Mat and Ab Wrap were also discussed. All of these are options that someone looking to improve their core can benefit from, which is probably a very large portion of the population!

All of these “amigos” for your abs are convenient, take up very little space, make ab exercises more comfortable, help with sit-up form, and can benefit those of all fitness levels.

The mini will slide under so many objects like a door, squat rack, bumper plate, or even this barbell storage.

Wall Amigo

This is designed to be secured on the wall, into a wooden stub. Whether it’s in your garage or set up in a room for your home, the Wall Amigo is more than just an excellent reminder to do an ab workout. While you can’t move it from spot to spot like the other Amigo options, this is the most secure and is the best option for doing weighted ab movements. It can currently be bought on Rogue for $34.95.

Have some empty wall space? This will fit into a corner of your gym or even living room! Larger gyms could also benefit from adding the Amigos, which take up basically no space.

Ab Amigo Mini

This option is lighter and smaller than the original Ab Amigo. It weighs less than a pound and is only 11.5″ wide. It can easily be moved from one spot in the gym to another (or into the house). Even though it’s not as large, it still provides good support for your abdominal exercises. This is also the cheapest option. It’s currently selling on Rogue for $26.95. This is even part of the 3 Ships Free Item portion of the website.

The Mini vs. The Original Ab Amigo

While the mini is not as wide as the Original or Wall Amigo, there is still plenty of room for most to get their feet under.

No problem fitting these size 12’s underneath

In Conclusion

While all of these options are slightly different, they all serve the same purpose and there are so many benefits to using any of them. It’s a much better option than having someone stand on your toes so your feet do not come up during sit-ups! If anything, you’ll see them in your gym (or living room) and it’s a fabulous reminder to get an ab workout in! You’ll quickly find yourself doing something for your core every day.

Have trouble with weighted sit-ups? This is a great way to help ensure proper form.

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  1. If you have a heavy set of dumbbells, couldn’t you just anchor your feet under those and get the same core experience?

    I wear a size 10 and can comfortably place my feet under 50# dumbbells and perform situps, with or without an AbMat and with a weighted object (wall ball/plate).

Please share your experience