Slam balls are one of the most underrated conditioning tools that someone can add to their home gym. For those looking to add some versatility to their setup or a change of pace from only using a barbell, these will get the job done for many.
Slam Balls are different from med balls because they’re specifically meant for (wait for it) slamming on the ground. This conditioning tool works on being explosive, and if you have the experience, you know the type of pain this simple tool can deliver. It can be used as a med ball normally would, adding weight for carries, ab work, lunges, thrusters, push-ups, and any other functional movements to get added versatility.
The overall quality of the slam ball is solid, and it’s one of the best-priced options you’ll find. For those looking to find the best value slam ball, this is one to consider.
The slam ball can be a hard purchase for some. They are rather expensive for what they are, and you’re able to get sandbags with a much heavier weight (but more maintenance) for a lower price.
That being said, the Titan Slam Ball comes priced well below other companies. In some cases, the 60 lb slam ball from other companies is more than double the price. Hard to pay more for something. You are going to be slamming on the ground, which makes the Titan ball enticing.
The 60lb ball costs $89.99, which makes it about $1.50/lb. The 10lb and 15lb balls come in at $2.50 and $2.00/lb before leveling off around the $1.50 price. It’s $10 less expensive than the similar version from REP.

Titan has two options when it comes to their slam balls, but their prices are identical. They have a “smooth” version (actually has lined ribs circling it), and they also have one covered with textured treads. This smoother option has a solid enough grip that the one with treads is not necessary. This one is a bit more comfortable to use.
The diameter of the balls is between 9 and 11 inches. This is a nice size for grabbing the ball with your hands or cradling in your forearms. They are available from 10-60 lbs.

The ball has a thick rubber outer layer, and it is filled with sand. This allows you to slam the ball and get zero bounce. The rubber coating is ribbed, and in between the ribs, it is textured.

“I Don’t Buy From Titan…”
There are definitely some items worth considering from Titan, and a slam ball is one of them. You can’t really mess up a slam ball, and this one shipped on time and is your standard slam ball. It isn’t much different than most available from other retailers. It has survived (thus far) months of slams indoors and out.
There isn’t much more to the Titan Slam Ball than what has been explained above. If you are interested in adding a fun new tool to your space, this one delivers as promised. Slam balls can be necessary for some types of training, but for others, it can just be a fun tool to give you something different.