Straight Knurled vs. Ergonomic Semi- Knurled Hex Dumbbells

Most dumbbells include an ergonomic, somewhat knurled handle, but there are also a few dumbbell options (like Rep Fitness) where the shaft includes a fixed diameter and is fully knurled. On an Instagram post, it was asked what your handle preference was? The overwhelming majority was for the fully knurled option, which is what you’d find in most commercial settings. We’d have to agree.

  • Overall, they are easier to keep a firm grip, which is especially important during heavier sets. There is less slippage, which means you won’t need to set down as much when that happens.
  • Even when doing movements like DB cleans or snatches, it’s easier to grip and rip, with less concern of losing control.
  • While the knurl may be different, it may take some getting used to those used to the other option.
  • Plus, this is debateable, but they look better!