Slam balls are an underrated tool and something that more home gym owners should ABSOLUTELY consider. You can slam them, carry them, toss them, hold them, etc. They are extremely versatile and would be a dynamic addition to many home gyms where they can be fully taken advantage of.
They’re an exceptional option for those looking to improve their coordination, overall athleticism, explosiveness, and endurance. It’s also nice to have another tool in the arsenal to keep workouts fresh.

What are Slam Balls?
Slam balls are made with a thick outer shell and filled with sand. An air valve helps prevent them from bursting by relieving pressure. Therefore, they can take a beating. This separates them from “most” medicine balls, which are not meant to be slammed to the ground over and over. In addition, with a dead bounce, the weight is not going to roll away if tossed.
Compared to sandbags, other than the outside texture, the primary difference is that you do not have to fill them yourself with sand. This is much more convenient. Sandbags can reach a much heavier weight, though.
What can you do with slam balls?
- Many typical movements you’d do with a medicine ball like Russian Twists, rolling (1 arm on top of the ball), push-ups, lunges, thrusters, goblet squats, etc. They are not great for something like wall balls because of the dead bounce.
- Slam balls can hit the ground hard, so you have the ability to do many other options like “slams,” where you lift above the shoulders and slam as hard as you can to the ground. Plus, you can throw it in several different ways without fear of doing any damage to the ground or ball itself.
Overall Performance
The slam balls highlighted here from REP are an easy recommendation. There isn’t much more info you need other than they are durable, easy to grip, and overall high quality. The shifting sand within forces you to keep a tight core and makes movements a tad more challenging. REP also backs this with a 1-year warranty.

The price ranges from $15 for a 5 lb. ball to $85 for a 70 lb. ball. This is much cheaper than the Rogue Echo Slam Ball, which starts at $35 for the 10 lb. and $109 for a 50-pounder. Neither the Rogue nor REP option is made in the USA. What would be nice is a “set option,” like you see with dumbbells or kettlebells. However, right now, you have to individuals.
If you are looking for the cheapest option, the Titan one’s are cheaper (view review).
What else is good to know?
- With a wide range of sizes, these are tools that just about anyone can benefit from. In addition, it can help many train for their specific sport. Whether a powerlifter, CrossFitter, or training for a specific sport like football, many can benefit from the movements that can be accomplished with a slam ball.
- With shipping charges, it’s not ideal to buy just one. For it to be worth it, you may need to add it on to an additional order or purchase multiple. Just a heads up.
- 70 lbs is the max weight offered. This feels MUCH HEAVIER than lifting a 70 lb dumbbell or barbell, which is easier to grab. However, it would be nice for many to have heavier options. A portion of the population would definitely benefit from doing heavier carries, throws, and deadlifts 💪💪💪.

- Chalk does help your grip during the high intense workouts where your hands lose grip.
- Slamming a med ball to the ground is not silent. It does have a “pop” to it, but it’s not as loud as iron clanging to the ground.
- They are an excellent option to take outside.

In the end, slam balls are one of the most underrated tools someone can have in their home gym. They are a nice change of pace from barbells and have the ability to really get your heart rate pumping. This option from REP Fitness is as good as it gets in terms of value.