Buy HomeGymCon Tickets
Ticket Options: There will be four ticket options which all include a 100% money-back guarantee up until 30 days before the event.
- Saturday Expo ($59.99) A ticket to the Saturday Expo only.
- Sunday Expo ($35.99) This includes a ticket to Sunday, which will only be half of the day.
- Both Day Expo ($89.99) Saturday and Sunday Expo access is included.
- Both Day Expo with Early Access (119.99) 1 Hour Early Access with Saturday and Sunday Expo access.
- Full Event & Early Access (280.99) This includes early access to equipment on Friday before the expos open, 2 buffet dinners with vendors ($150 value), and Saturday/Sunday Expo Tickets + Saturday & Sunday early access. Exclusive SWAG and discounts will also be given. This number will be capped at around 100.