This Multi-Purpose Bar from X Training Equipment is as good as it gets for the price. To anyone looking for a budget-friendly barbell that can do it all, the Elite Competition Training Bar 2.0 is absolutely one to consider. At $219 with Free Shipping, it performs and includes similar specs to comparable bars from more well-known brands. It’s built solidly and will perform well for many years to come.
Let’s talk about it.
SPECS & Performance
With no center knurl and dual knurl marks, this is best suited to those who perform at least some Olympic lifts. It also includes bronze bushings, and the spin on this barbell is smooth and easy on the wrists. The rotation is not overwhelming, though. Thus, it can be used for more than just Olympic lifts without issues. If you plan on doing more Olympic Weightlifting movements (Snatch, Cleans) than others, you’d be better off choosing a bar that includes bearings. If no Olympic Weighlifting movements are going to be done, then a power bar would be best. This is a good enough bar to do all, which is what your typical person most likely wants.
The bar also includes a 215K PSI alloy steel, which is actually stronger than some other similar bars. While there is no weight rating listed, there shouldn’t be any issues with even 1,000 lbs on the bar.
The finish on this bar is a sleek black chrome that has held up extremely well over the past year. This will most likely fade over time, especially on the sleeves, but will help eliminate the need to treat it over time consistently. Overall, this makes for a beautiful barbell.
The knurl is what you’d expect for a black chrome-covered multi-purpose bar. You could call it somewhere in between mild and medium. In addition to its 28 mm diameter, it’s ideal for high rep, CrossFit type workouts and easy enough to grip for something like low rep deadlifts. You are not going to rip up your hands with this bar.
In general, it’s pretty similar to the many other multi-purpose bars. To the commoner, the slight differences may go unnoticed, but there is quite a bit of a price difference from some. For example, a Black Oxide Ohio Bar will cost nearly $360 after shipping and taxes are included.
While there are similar options on the market, the Elite Competition Bar should be an option that you can trust. In the end, it’s built solidly, includes specs similar to the “top brands,” and at $219 with Free Shipping, the overall value is extremely high. It would be an excellent option for a CrossFitter or someone just looking for a solid multi-purpose bar who doesn’t want to break the bank.