October 4, 2019 True or False? Sunday Survey Results for 9.29.2019 Last week’s survey simply asked whether a statement was true or false. Below is the summary: Over 90% of the respondents love working out…
September 26, 2019 What do you own? – Sunday Survey from 9/22/2019 For 21 different pieces of equipment, last week’s survey simply asked, “Do you own (x piece of equipment)?” You had the option to respond…
September 16, 2019 Cardio Themed Sunday Survey Results: 9/8/2019 Highlights: Rowers seem to be the most popular piece of cardio equipment for home gym owners. Concept 2’s are EXTREMELY popular. Only about a…
September 7, 2019 Sunday Survey – You know what these barbells are? Last week’s survey simply showed a set of barbell pictures and asked if you’ve heard of them before. The Ohio Power Bar, Echo Bar,…
August 31, 2019 Sunday Survey Results for 8/25/2019 Would you consider storage for your gym equipment an issue? 3 out of 5 say yes. If so, why? Not enough space in general was…