Barbell Workouts

We are not personal trainers but know a good workout when we see one. Space and equipment may be limited in the garage, however, a barbell and some bumper plates are all that you need to get an intense workout done at home. Here are some workouts:

Garage WOD #1

This one is titled, “Black and Blue.” It is a quick yet brutal workout that can be done with very little space. More info here.

Garage WOD #2

DT will wear you out quick. It is the ultimate workout where only a barbell is needed. Here is a video of Jason Khalipa performing the workout.

Garage WOD #3

Use the same weight for deadlifts and front squats. This is a full body WOD that will test anyone These Push-Ups will not be easy after the first two lifts.

Garage WOD #4

Start with 100 Hang Snatches and then move onto 100 Thrusters. Use 45, 65, or 95 lbs. More if you are a complete beast. This will test your endurance and can be used as speed work.

Garage WOD #5

This workout is titled, “Grace.” Clean and Jerks are one of the most effective exercises out there. More info here. You can also challenge yourself with “Double Grace.”

Garage WOD #6

4 Rounds of 15 thrusters, 10 burpees, and a half mile run. The suggested weight for women is 75 pounds, while the men should try for 105, but use whatever weight you are comfortable with. For the run, try finding a spot 400 meters away from your garage/house/gym and doing a back and forth. Good luck!

Garage WOD #7

Put 95/135lb on a bar and use a running clock (or another weight that you are comfortable using)
Every minute you start your lift
To start you hit one clean then rest until the end of the minute
Next minute you hit 2 cleans and rest until the end of the minute
then 3…
then 4….
Each time your rest time will get shorter and at a certain point, you ‘die’. You won’t be able to complete the number of lifts in that minute.

Garage WOD #7

Air squats to power cleans to burpees… This is a brutal workout that will test your strength and metabolic conditioning.

Garage WOD #8

An intense workout where little space is needed. The planks get really really tough…… The suggested weight for deadlifts is 105 or 225 pounds.

Garage WOD #9

Can be done as a finisher or quick workout, but is brutal towards the end.

Exercise Instructions (click to be taken to video): 


Clean and Jerks
Front squats
Hang Power Clean
Hang Snatches
Power Clean
Push Jerk 