Why Stall Mats May Not Work For Your Home Gym

mats. Some of you may be surprised that interlocking foam tile flooring isn’t always more inexpensive than a ¾” 4×6′ piece of rubber, but here we are. Horse stall mats

Stall Mats, So Hot

Below are survey results for the past week. Hot🔥 or Not🥶 Results: Stall Mats win out over some impressive machinery. Good or Bad Idea🤔: Week #2 Results Sunday Survey Results📊:…

…the best option is going to be stall mats for most. An even floor throughout is ideal. While deadlift platforms may provide more protection to the ground, stall mats should…

Avoid the diamond plate ones if you can, but it’s most likely not an absolute deal-breaker. If you already have these, it’s probably not worth going out and getting a…