Equipment Used Most Often – Barbells vs. Dumbbells vs. Kettlebells vs. Pulley Systems


As expected, this audience primarily uses barbells and weights the most, but I was curious about which equipment ranks second, third, and fourth.

I surveyed users with four options: barbells & weights, dumbbells, kettlebells, and pulley systems, asking them to rank their usage from most to least.

The results are below.

The Data

Here’s a summary of the data on the most frequently used products in a gym:

  1. Barbell & Weights are the most commonly used, with 71.33% of users ranking them as their top choice, followed by 23.16% ranking them second.
  2. Dumbbells are the second most popular, with 18.55% ranking them as their top choice and 51.32% as their second choice.
  3. Kettlebells are used less often, with only 2.42% of users choosing them as their most-used product, but 24.53% rank them third, and 57.37% rank them last.
  4. Pulley Systems are generally ranked as a third choice, with 39.86% of users placing them there. 7.71% consider them their most-used product.

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