With Cost in Mind, Where Are You Buying An Entire Home Gym From?

Over half are buying an entire home gym from REP with cost in mind (when comparing to Rogue, Titan, and Bells of Steel).

Now, we know that most people are not likely to buy an entire home gym from a single company.

However, this question was asked anyways for the third straight year: “With cost in mind, where are you most likely to buy an entire home gym from?”

REP was the easy winner with 54% of the votes. Rogue was second with about 30%, and then Titan/Bells of Steel combined for 16%, with Titan receiving a bit more than Bells.

When asked in 2022, REP was the top choice, but their lead has extended each year since.

You’ll also notice in the chart below that Rogue and Titan votes have gone down each year.

Rack Attachments are “on the mind” right now.

When asking, what type of gym equipment are you most interested in right now, rack attachments eeked out a victory over specialty machines.

Those two options combined for 74% of the votes, whereas specialty bars/cardio equipment only made up 24%.

This likely would not have been the case a few years ago, when specialty bars were HOT.

This functional trainer battle was tight.

We asked if you’d rather have a traditional standalone functional trainer or a wall mounted option like the one in the picture below.

Each has benefits and drawbacks, but the close winner was the traditional option, with 53% of the votes.

Most aren’t purchasing much from the used marketplace.

Over half of respondents have purchased one or fewer used home gym equipment items in their last five purchases, indicating a preference for new equipment. However, a significant portion has bought multiple used items, demonstrating a market for secondhand home gym equipment.

54% say that zero of their last five purchases have been from the used marketplace, 17% say one, 18.5% two to three, and 10% say four or more of their home gym purchases have been from the used marketplace.

This is basically unchanged from last year’s results.

Of your last 5 home gym purchases, how many have been from the used marketplace?20232024Difference
Four or More7.94%10.12%2.18%

Most do not think Peloton’s stock will go up.

This is a look at Peloton’s stock since it peaked about three years ago. It’s down about 97%.

About 90% do not think that Peloton’s stock will go up.

Keep in mind most answering these questions are not stock portfolio experts.

ha ha ha

The “Home Gym” as the only workout option is down.

43.9% rely solely on their home gym for workouts. While another 44.2% prioritize home workouts but supplement with traditional gym visits.

Only 12% use the home gym as their secondary option.

This is significantly different than when we asked last year.

While about 68% said the home gym was their only option, but only 44% this year. There was a huge increase with the home gym as their “primary option.”

Please share your experience