In 5 Years, who will be the most popular equipment supplier for home gym strength?

Introduction and Latest Results

Since February 2021 (just after the pandemic rise), we’ve asked, “In 5 Years, who will be the most popular equipment supplier for home gym strength?” on a pretty regular basis.

The four options this time around were REP, Rogue, Bells of Steel/Titan, and “Other.” The four companies mentioned seem to be the largest of those focused on supplying equipment to the core of this community.

REP was the relatively easy winner, with 48% of the votes. Rogue was easily in second with 37% of the votes. Therefore, they combined for about 85% of the total votes.

Then, you have “Other” with 9% of the votes and Titan/Bells of Steel with 6% of the votes.

REP’s Rise

This poll has been accomplished through the IG story, and some options have shifted from time to time, but we’ve seen a consistent upward shift for a specific company – REP.

As you can see in the chart below, REP only received 12.6% of the votes in February 2021, but 48% in this time around.

With 61% of the votes in February 2021 and considering Rogue’s sheer dominance over the years, it was nearly impossible to see a company topping them with this question. However, REP steadily did that over time. Below is a close up look at the change over time between the two.

Community Comments

We’ve asked this this question for a few years, looking for comments as well.

The general consensus seems to have gone from “Rogue will always be daddy” to “we appreciate the innovation and value from REP.

Many are also open to the idea of another making some traction in the coming years.

There is also the general sentiment that this community doesn’t reflect the majority of home gym owners – many are just looking for the cheapest alternatives. Therefore, you need to keep that in mind when trying to understand this data.


In the end, there are two companies pretty clearly at the top, but there has definitely been a shift in the outlook for “who will be the most popular equipment supplier for home gym strength in 5 years.”

REP’s rise has been about as impressive as it gets.

That said, Rogue has pretty consistently pumped out products geared towards the home gym so far in 2024.

Can they regain some of their votes back when we do this again in 2025?

Other questions to look out for in the future include:

  • Can Titan/Bells of Steel eat into some of the REP/Rogue votes?
  • Will another company rise as REP did in the next few years?
  • Does REP continue its focus on the home gym market instead of chasing commercial gym glory?

We shall see!

Be on the lookout for this poll again in 2025, and feel free to add your thoughts to THIS IG POST.

Please share your experience