Wall Mounted Gym Equipment Data


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In a recent Instagram Post, we asked the community, “How do you feel about gym equipment/storage on your walls?”

In general, the consensus was pretty clear. Most are a fan.

There are numerous benefits to having storage and equipment on the wall, including:

  • Gets equipment off the floor and allows more space to actually use.
  • Most storage options for the wall are not priced outrageously. It’s an affordable way to do home gym storage.
  • It has the ability to help make your gym look better & feel like an actual gym.
  • Getting storage off of the wall is easy and functional.

The majority of those who commented expressed a similar sentiment: “the more you can add, the better.” However, a few mentioned that they would prefer not to drill into the wall and also liked the ability to move stuff around over time. Overall, the data below supports this.

In general, the data below supports this.

Only 15% do not want to drill into their wall.

Over two-thirds (73%) of respondents prefer to have at least a moderate amount of gym equipment or storage on the walls. Nearly a third (37%) want as much as possible on the walls, while another third (36%) are okay with a moderate amount. Less than a quarter (27%) would either minimize wall usage or avoid it altogether.

About half say they have high confidence in installing wall-mounted gym equipment.

The majority of respondents (52%) are confident installing gym equipment themselves, with another sizeable group (32%) expressing medium confidence.

Only a small portion (16%) indicated low confidence.

About 36% have not purchased a certain piece of wall-mounted equipment because they did not want to deal with the installation.

Medium Interest in DIY Wall Mounted Projects

There is a moderate interest in DIY wall mounted projects for home gyms based on the data. While slightly less than half (40%) have low interest, a combined 60% people have some interest in DIY wall mounted projects for their home gym

Miscellaneous items include the highest interest for wall storage options.

Wall storage seems most popular for bands, chains and similar equipment (62.81% high interest), followed by barbells (50.86% high interest) and then weight plates (20.60% high interest). There’s a general trend of higher interest in wall storage compared to medium or low interest.

Only 7% have an interest in a wall-mounted landmine.

Most seem to be happy enough with the options they have with their power rack.

About 69% have a low interest in a wall-mounted folding rack.

Based on this data, there’s a lukewarm interest in wall-mounted folding racks. Here’s the breakdown:

  • Low Interest: The majority (69%) have low interest in wall-mounted folding racks.
  • Moderate Interest: A decent portion (17%) have medium interest, suggesting they might be open to the idea but unsure or have specific needs.
  • High Interest: Only a minority (13%) expressed high interest in wall-mounted folding racks. This suggests it may not be the most popular option, but there’s still a niche market for them.

36% have wall control within their home gym already & another 30% are interested.

Wall Control is a very popular home gym storage option with over one third already owning. Nearly another third is interested and only 16% doesn’t know what it is.

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