*Kleva Built will be back again at HomeGymCon for year #2! Grab your tickets today so you can see all of their products in person today!
The landmine is one of the most versatile accessory tools you can add to your home gym.
Just by inserting your barbell, the landmine allows you to accomplish rows and other pressing movements. It helps replicate many “machines” you’d typically find in commercial gym facilities.
With all of the attachments available from companies like Kleva and Black Widow, you can get various grip variations for rows, presses, and other unique single-arm movements, which I use in my space all of the time.
In this blog, I will argue that the Keva Adroit 2.0 is the best landmine currently available after breaking down the different landmine options to choose from.
The Adroit 2.0
The Adroit 2.0 is arguably the best landmine.
From its build quality to its unique features that set it apart from other options, this landmine, for just over $150, is an excellent addition to any home gym or commercial gym for that matter.
Before I go into more detail, I’ll explain the other types of landmines.

Types of Landmines
There are a few types of landmines on the market, and they each have their unique benefits and drawbacks.
‘Freestanding‘ will be landmines not attached to a rack or any other upright. The benefits of these landmines will be that they are put up and away when not in use, and they will never be in your way like something that is attached may be.
There are a few types of ‘free-standing’ landmines.
Plate Attached
This type of ‘freestanding’ landmine is meant to be inserted into a plate (preferably a 45 lb bumper plate).

The benefits of this type of landmine are its freedom to be used in space, the ability to use it anywhere, and inexpensive. The drawbacks would be its stability with heavier weight, and with different leverages, it has the potential to come out of place with different movements.
Barbell Bomb
The Barbell Bomb is an interesting product from Abmat that allows you to do landmine movements in any space, as it’s highly portable and an easy piece of equipment to stow away. It, like the plate-inserted landmine, also lacks stability.
You can use it in pinned into corners, but there is the potential for it to be a bit unstable with more explosive and heavier movements.
In addition to Abmat’s Barbell Bomb, many similar products also exist.

Tennis Ball Hack
The tennis ball hack is the cheapest landmine you can make. This is one where you will definitely need to pin into a corner.

While it is the cheapest, it is also the most unstable.
Rack Attached
‘Freestanding’ landmines lack stability in some capacity or another. The counterpart would be a rack-attached landmine.
These landmines attach to your rack and give you all the stability you would need, but they are also attached to your rack and can get in the way. Some also lack mobility, not allowing natural movements like ‘free-standing’ landmines.

If those drawbacks are an issue for you, don’t worry. The Adroit is considered the best for good reasons. Keep reading.
Why the Adroit 2.0 is the Best Landmine
The Adroit 2.0 is a rack-attached landmine from Kleva Built. Kleva Built makes its name by making high-quality, lightweight, and very detailed gym equipment. Those descriptions match the Adroit perfectly.
These features make the Adroit 2.0 the best landmine you can currently buy:
The ball joint gives you unlimited mobility from your rack.
The landmine moves smoothly in all directions, allowing even more movements than your typical landmine. Even landmines that give you full mobility don’t do it with the smoothness and stability that the Adroit does.

The remote post mount allows you to store your landmine up and out of the way when unused. No more tripping over rack-attached items, or at least not this one. The magnet lets you easily lift your landmine and safely store it against your rack.
PRX also has a landmine (wall mounted) that stores upright but with a hitchpin instead of a magnet.

The Abmat barbell pillow gives you a quiet, safe way to insert your barbell. It is the little things in life and the gym that make the difference.

The ease of installation fits nearly any type of rack. Using acetal screws and sleeves, the landmine would fit 1″, 5/8″ holes as well as 2″x2″, 3″x3″, and 2″x3″ racks. Installation is dummy-proof, and you can set up the landmine in seconds.

Finally, the landmine has a unique aesthetic look that sets it apart from the typical metal sleeve with a company logo.

If a rack-attached landmine is not your style, but you like what the Adroit has to offer, Kleva also offers a freestanding style of the landmine.
The Best Landmine
I started this blog by saying that the Adroit 2.0 is ‘arguably’ the best landmine, but in my personal opinion, Kleva built the best landmine currently available. Priced around $150 (check current pricing), you can get a lightweight, intelligently built piece of gym equipment that outperforms all other landmines with additional unique features (upright magnetic storage, barbell pillows) that separate it from the rest.
Lastly, you can check out the Kleva Built Story on the GGE Podcast!