(Changes from 2021) Primary Barbell, Workout Shoes, Chalk, Used Marketplace, & More


Below are the survey results from last week.

We are seeing a rise in the popularity of the power bar, more influence from “home gym influencers,” less chalk, more selling on the used marketplace, less wearing the most popular shoe brands, and more with just a single person utilizing the home gym in their household.

Power Bar’s popularity is going up as “The Primary Barbell.”

  • While we may think of the “multi-purpose bar” as the best option for most people, almost half answering this survey question chose a power bar. The power bar received 38% more votes than in 2021, while the multi-purpose bar votes are down 20%.

66% have made a purchase based on a recommendation from a home gym influencer & 35% have made a purchase based on a recommendation from a friend or family member.

  • Compared to 2021, “home gym influencer” votes are up 22%, while friends/family votes are down 16%.

48.5% use chalk in their home gym. That’s down 19% from 2021.

Less have bought, but quite a bit more have sold on used marketplace in 2023 than 2021.

  • Those selling on the used marketplace are up 39% in 2021.

  • “Other” votes are up 34%, while the popular brands are all down between 19% and 22%.

Only 39% have a single person utilizing the home gym. That number is on the rise though.

  • As you can see in the chart below, the number of people utilizing the home gym alone has been rising since 2021.

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