@VintageWeightsPGH and @The Kurtlocker dive deep into the history of Strongman Implements including Axle Bar, Strongman Logs, and Circus Dumbbells.
This episode can be watched or listened to on Garage Gym Radio, Spotify, Apple, or wherever you listen to podcasts.
(0:35) Kurt Intro
Kurt has been around the sport since 2014, competing in strongman since 2016 with plenty of shows under his belt, has some coaching experience, and can’t get enough of the sport.
In this section, Kurt also gives a basic breakdown of the sport.

(3:33) Strongman History Intro
Dr. Terry Todd said in a Rogue Legends Documentary that lifting odd but familiar objects gave the crowd an immediate frame of reference for classic Strongman.
For example, you’ll see Eugene Sandow lift a horse in the picture below. They know how heavy a horse is and can are able to imagine how strong one would be to lift it. Many performances like this were performed in theatres at this time in front of a crowd.

(6:13) The Apollon Axle
The Apollon Axle is a piece of a train with two wheels and a thick bar in between them. Louis “Apollon” Uni was the first to use and help popularize. Only a few in history have been able to clean and press this over time and there is no evidence that Uni ever did.
(11:45) More Axles
The Apollon Axle ultimately led to more being created and many companies create them today.
Rob and Kurt discuss some of the great Axle lifts of all time within this section including Mark Henry lifting the Axle below.

(22:01) Strongman Logs
Rob and Kurt dive into the history of logs, how the movement works, and chat about some of the best to ever do it like Bill Kazmaier pictured below.

(31:50) Slater’s Hardware
Kurt and Rob take some time to chat about Slater’s Hardware, which is much more than a small-town hardware store! It includes many historical strength items.

(40:19) Circus Dumbbells
Louis Cyr is the name that comes to Rob and Kurt first. They discuss the Cyr Dumbbell and the circus, which is where it all started!

“Chapter 2: Louis ‘Apollon’ Uni.” The Rogue Legends Series, Rogue Fitness, YouTube, 11 October 2017,
Gentle, David. “Apollon’s Axle.” The Tight Tan Slacks of Dezso Ban, 6 July 2022,
Grimek, John. “Louis Cyr’s Dumbbell.” USAWA, USAWA Daily News, 21 August 2010,
Heffernan, Conor. “A Brief History of Strongman.” Physical Culture Study, Physical Culture Study,12 October 2020,
Heffernan, Conor. “Mark Henry Tells How He Won The First Arnold Strongman Classic.” Barbend, Barbend Incorporated, 30 May 2020,
Heffernan, Conor. “Recollections of Louis Cyr.” Physical Culture Study, Physical Culture Study, 13 October 2016,
Heffernan, Conor. “What is the Cyr Dumbbell?” Physical Culture Study, Physical Culture Study, 5 April 2021,,could%20reach%20over%20270%20lbs.“John Davis (USA) Lifts the Original Apollon Wheels (1949).” chidlovski, LiveJournal, 13 October 2018,
“Louis Cyr, strongest man on earth.” John Woodbridge and Sons Makers Ltd, 11 December 2019,
“Monster Bells.” Rogue, Rogue Fitness,
“Overhead Press.” World’s Strongest Man, The World’s Strongest Man,
Picture of Bill Kazmaier, Timeline Photos, Strongman, 30 August 2015,
“Sandow Lifting a Horse.” Rogue, Rogue Fitness,
“Slater’s True Logs.” Rogue, Rogue Fitness,
Strossen, Randall J. “Apollon’s Wheels, Apollon’s Axle: Setting the Record Straight.” Ironmind, Ironmind Enterprises Incorporated, 14 May 2009,,the%20wheels%20was%2026%20inches.
Strossen, Randall J. “Super Strongman Zydrunas Savickas is 10 and 0 in 2009.” Ironmind, Ironmind Enterprises Incorporated, 27 November 2009,