Rack Size, Best 2022 Product Releases, GHD Battle, & More

These survey results look at what type of racks people own, which company has released the best products this year, the Garage Gym Competition, a GHD battle, and more.

What Type of Rack Do You Own?

The “Monster” line/PR-5000 type racks were the most popular, with about 32% of the votes, but it was close. Monster Lite/PR-4000 type racks were just a few % points behind them. These two options combined for over 61% of the total, with “none/other/IDK” and “2×2 or similar” combining for the rest.

Which GHD Model are you More Interested in?

With 53%, the DIY version from @man_who_parks_in_gym narrowly beat out the new Floor GHD from Titan.

Gym Equipment Purchase Stats

  • 2.26x more say they purchased more gym equipment in 2020 than in 2021 (69% total)
  • 57% believe they’ll buy gym equipment by the end of the year.
  • 28% say their gym is worth more than the vehicle
  • 39% have spent more than $500 on equipment purchases this year. Only 11% have spent $0.

Best Product Releases so Far?

REP dominated this question with about 67% of the total votes and 300% more votes than Rogue and 560% more than Bells of Steel

Have you Heard of or Competed in the Garage Gym Competition?

We’ve asked this question four times already this year and it continues to go up steadily each time. 55% “hearing of” the GGC is nearly 2x of what it was earlier in the year.

While “competed in” isn’t going up at the same rate as “heard of,” that’s also on the rise.


These results can be watched or listened to on Garage Gym Radio, Spotify, Apple, or wherever you listen to podcasts.

View All 2022 Sunday Survey Results

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