During this second show with Ashton, he starts by giving us his take on what is happening regarding the state of the economy and new and used gym equipment. He has some insights on why prices are and his predictions on where things are headed.
In addition, Ashton shares more about how his company “Freedom Fitness Equipment” is growing and their recent focuses.
Jake and Ashton wrap things up with some future home gym predictions and some ideas about potential products.
You can find this episode on YouTube, Spotify, Apple, or wherever you listen to podcasts.
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Ashton shares his ‘State of the Union on the gym marketplace. After talking about where prices are at, he shares at 1:45:
“Honestly, if you would have bought in the middle to the end of the pandemic, you would be doing better than now.”
He goes on to break down new and used equipment market trends.
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(6:46) Wrapping up his thoughts on the ‘State of the Union, Ashton discusses consolidation. They talk about companies that might not make it, Rogue acquiring Ghost Strong, and who might also start to look to acquire the small players.
“At one point, I would have said that I think REP fitness was going to catch up, but if Rogue starts doing more of these acquisitions, I think they’re going to start pulling away.”
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Ashton was excited to share where he was focusing some of the company’s time and attention.
“Firefighters are awesome. Police Officers are awesome, and we love serving those guys. That’s where the brand is leaning, and I’m super excited because that’s really been our intention this whole time. We really want to work with the guys who are protecting, serving, and defending our country, and the more we can give back to those guys and help them out, the more we will all get out of it.”
His company has focused on serving these first responders and helping them with their limited funds.
Show Notes
- (0:13) State of the Union
- (7:00) Rogue
- (12:00) Freedom Fitness Equipment
- (16:40) Day to Day
- (17:55) Current Inventory
- (22:52) Used Equipment Obstacles
- (28:12) Commercial vs. Home Gym Quality Treadmills
- (29:28) What’s Next for FFE?
- (33:13) Future of home gym
Additional Links & Notes
- We post a lot of blog posts, and it may be challenging to keep up. Subscribe to Knurled News to help stay in the loop more concisely. For example, here was a recent edition of Knurled News.
- Learn More About The Garage Gym Experiment Podcast
- Check out Freedom Fitness Equipment (use code GGE to save).

Great interview, and insightful views on the current market from someone in the business, both new and used. I run a similar business in Canada, but mostly selling new equipment.