Alex and Kevin from the Home Gym Discord join to discuss “non-essential” home gym equipment. All results are below, and the podcast episode can be listened to on Spotify, Apple, YouTube, or wherever you get podcasts!
The Full List
Below is the full list of results sorted by % of high-interest votes.
Product | % High | % Medium | % Low | % Neutral |
Resistance Bands | 44.20% | 35.73% | 17.65% | 2.41% |
Specialty Barbells | 43.90% | 34.04% | 20.87% | 1.20% |
Kettlebell | 42.62% | 32.42% | 24.14% | 0.82% |
Rower | 40.61% | 29.41% | 28.56% | 1.42% |
Functional Trainer | 39.61% | 24.72% | 32.43% | 3.24% |
Landmine | 39.07% | 36.66% | 22.93% | 1.34% |
Air Bike | 36.08% | 32.31% | 30.15% | 1.46% |
Belt Squat | 33.08% | 29.89% | 35.61% | 1.43% |
GHD | 30.02% | 33.53% | 33.43% | 3.02% |
Jump Rope | 29.72% | 29.21% | 37.95% | 3.12% |
Plyo Box | 28.07% | 36.24% | 34.22% | 1.47% |
Reverse Hyper | 27.94% | 29.48% | 40.31% | 2.27% |
Leg Press Machine | 27.50% | 22.33% | 48.31% | 1.86% |
Treadmill | 24.56% | 30.74% | 42.99% | 1.71% |
Sandbags | 22.86% | 28.00% | 47.31% | 1.83% |
Medball | 18.54% | 38.13% | 41.67% | 1.66% |
Gymnastic Rings | 18.52% | 26.22% | 52.53% | 2.74% |
Slam Ball | 16.77% | 33.49% | 47.74% | 2.00% |
AbMat | 13.03% | 27.47% | 55.37% | 4.13% |
(1:35) Lowest level of Interest (below 20% high interest)
- The lowest level of interest went to the AbMat. The AbMat also had the most “low” and “neutral” votes.

- Slam balls, gymnastics rings, and medballs were also on this portion of the list.

(3:20) Low-ish Level of Interest (20% and 30% high-interest votes)
- The treadmill was the lowest-rated heavy piece of cardio that we asked about and the leg press machine was the lowest specialty strength machine.

- Sandbags, reverse hyper, plyo box, and a jump rope were also on the list.

(5:25) Medium Level of Interest (30% and 40% high-interest votes)
- The functional trainer was the highest-rated specialty strength machine asked about, which is similar to what we’ve seen in the past.
- The landmine scored a bit lower than when asked as a rack attachment last week.
- Air bike, belt squat, and GHD were also here.

(8:39) Highest Level of Interest (overt 40% high interest)
- Resistance bands were the overall winner with over 44% high interest votes.

- Rounding out the top four were specialty barbells, kettlebells, and a rower.