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30-Second Overview of the Juggernaut AI Review
JuggernautAI is a highly individualized, simple, relatively affordable, and intuitive app for powerlifters and power builders, but anyone interested in getting stronger will likely benefit.
The app is completely personalized to each user’s background, lifting experience, and equipment available because it collects a ton of information (like lifting history, current lifts, preferred technique, and much more).
It’s also ideal for those working out in home gyms. The program can be accomplished with a barbell, plates, and a rack.

The rest of the article is outlined below:
Whether you are training in a home gym or a commercial gym, we are all interested in wanting to make progress in your training. When looking into the programming to choose, the issue is that it is usually a ‘one size fits all approach or too costly for most to consider.
You could hire a personal coach or personal trainer, but that can get expensive, and you have to trust that the person coaching you know what they are talking about. You can also go with online coaching/programming. However, many of these standardized programs may not work best for you.
The JuggernautAI programming app is an app that comes with Juggernaut Training Systems ‘experts in strength’, mixed with the convenience of having your program in a convenient app on your phone, which is individualized for the user, and with an affordable price. It just may be the best programming tool available for those reasons.

Who is Juggernaut Training System?
Juggernaut was launched in 2009. The company combines the knowledge of elite sports athletes and coaches, all under founder Chad Wesley Smith. The team has multiple lifting records and a roster of some of the top athletes in Olympic Weightlifting, powerlifting, and other strength sports.

Juggernaut Training Systems puts out a ton of great information on building strength, and they are sought after by athletes for coaching and programming. They are well known and respected in the strength world, and they continue to build on this reputation with results.
What is the Juggernaut AI?
JTS offers personal coaching for elite athletes, but through the creation of Juggernaut AI, they can give a personal touch to the masses through online programming. Typically, online programming is mass-produced and distributed to a group of similar-style athletes. The AI programming takes you through training phases and uses the RPE (Rate of Perceived Exertion) and RIR (Reps In Reserve) methods to adjust your training for the current day. It also considers outside factors like recovery, sleep, and nutrition before each training session.
Getting Started
Juggernaut AI likely does this better than all other training apps or mass-produced online programming because it tailors itself to the user. Before you get started, the app collects biological and other background information on you. You wouldn’t program a 40-year-old female powerlifter the same as a 23-year-old male powerlifter just because they train the same, and the app collects more than just your gender.
This is the information collected by the app before it builds your program:
Programming preferences
- Program preference: Powerlifting or Powerbuilding (powerlifting + bodybuilding).

- Then, If you choose Powerbuilding, what percentage of bodybuilding to powerlifting do you want in your training, and what specific body part do you want to improve.

- A lower and upper body part that you want to improve the most. Therefore, if you’re going to improve those biceps and calves more than anything else, you can.

Current State and Abilities
- Whether or not you track your nutrition and your weight goals

- What/how many days do you want to train, a start date, and max test date (this could be the competition date for your peak week).

- Periodization and bridge block questions are asked next. It’s not recommended, but you can choose your periodization to start with a bridge block and how many weeks.

- Current maxes in the competition lifts.

- Technique: squat high bar or low bar, bench grip, and deadlift style

- Weaknesses or sticky points on big three lifts.

- Several recovery questions are taken into consideration as well.

- Training history is emphasized as well.

- In addition, your referred units you use (kilos or pounds), gender, age, weight, and height.
After the app collects all of this information, you are ready to generate your program.
As you can see from how comprehensive this list is, the app skips no corners when figuring out the athlete.
One critique of the app is that it is made for lifters looking to build on the big three lifts (powerlifting) or for lifters looking to get big and strong. It leaves out Olympic weightlifters, CrossFit athletes, lifters who only care about aesthetics, and endurance athletes. More training options may be coming in the future, but if you aim to get big and strong, this app can do that.
The Workouts
Phases/Periodization: Hypertrophy, strength, peak
The training takes you through a scheduled periodization. You can see an overview of your training program and the different phases: hypertrophy, strength, and ending with a peaking phase. Then, review your program and see the selections you made. Lastly, you can also see the breakdown of the movements, and you can modify your program.

Weekly Layout
When you are in your training program, your first week is laid out in the days you will train. The first thing you are going to do is open up that day’s training. From this page, you will see the movements of the day. Some of the movements will not be listed but will be a body part/accessory; “bicep exercise.” In these instances, you will select from a list of movements that will fit the program.

A massive plus for the home gym community is that you can swap exercises. If you don’t have the equipment to perform the list, or maybe you cannot complete the given movement correctly, you can switch exercises from a list of activities that will accomplish the same objective.

If you are unaware of how to complete a movement, the information button allows you to see a video example of the exercise and read a description of how to accomplish the movement.
Readiness Check-in
Before you begin your training, the app will ask you to do a ‘Readiness Check-in.’ After completing the check-in, the app gives you an overall readiness score. This can help you track performance and make you aware of outside factors to perform better.
The readiness check-in will ask you to rate the following before each workout:
- Weight
- Sleep
- Mood
- Diet
- Recovery
- Body part fatigue
- Injuries

You’ll get a readiness score.

After your readiness check-in, the app will take you through a handful of warm-up movements. You can skip these if you are short on time, but the warm-ups are designed for that day’s exercises. If you are unaware of accomplishing a warm-up, the ‘information’ button will provide you with a video example/breakdown.
These warmups typically take about 10 minutes but are specific to the workout for that day. They truly work!

The Workout
You typically follow an RPE (Reps of Perceived Exertion) or RIR (Reps In Reserve) approach when the workout begins. After each set, you can put in your weight and RPE or RIR for each set after each set. The app remembers your lifts, and in future workouts, it will give you suggested weight or adjust weight after receiving your RPE feedback.

Post Workout
When the workout ends, the app asks for your feel on ‘Session Difficulty,’ and you rank the training session with a score between 5-10. You are asked if you finished the training.

The Overall Experience
What has been touted repeatedly in this write-up is how individualized this app is. Typically, you don’t see that type of personalization from an app, and you can pay way more for an individual coaching experience. The JuggernautAI app is $35/month with a 2-week free trial (use code EXPERIMENT10).
The workouts are intelligently planned. You feel yourself getting stronger while never feeling too much fatigue or soreness. Each workout was completed (start to finish) between 45 minutes to a little over an hour, depending on which phase you are in.
Having a program that constantly changes workouts for you and plans your progressive overloads and workout progression/phases means that you will never get bored from the same routine, and it means that the hard work is done for you; all you need to do is lift the weight.
Who is it for?
This app has the potential to help a lot of people. Really anyone looking for a program that will get them stronger will benefit. Some specific examples include:
- Powerlifters or bodybuilders that don’t want to shell out for a coach, but are looking for a highly individualized program rather than some sort of basic template.
- Those lifting from home with just a basic setup, but want some structure and ideas for their home workouts.
- Those looking for a change of pace from “just winging” their workouts.
- Someone who has no clue where to begin. This app is easy to use and there is plenty of instruction for just about anyone to learn.
Juggernaut AI gives you a totally customized experience. The workouts are intelligently programmed to keep you progressively overloading without overworking, making you stronger and faster. With the way you can swap out lifts, this training app is perfect for the home gym user.
In the end, this has to be one of the best programs out there. If there is any hesitancy, a free trial is included to begin with.