Q1 2022 Podcast Recap

(0:00) Intro

This was the last episode of the quarter, and we go over Hot or Not results so far this year, highlight new products released in Q1, quickly go over some of the top survey results, AND have a chat about the last three months’ podcasts. More info and charts are below as well.

The episode can be listened to on Apple, Spotify, YouTube, or wherever you get your podcasts.

(0:42)Hot or Not Results in Q1

As a reminder, with the hot or not surveys, we are simply throwing up a picture on the Instagram Story and asking whether the product is hot or not.

We’ve asked about 86 items so far. So far, we’ve done plates, specialty strength machines, benches, and a few more miscellaneous items.

  • This week, the Concept 2 Rower eeks out a victory over the Rogue Echo Bike and the rest of the competition with 87% 🔥 votes. The Echo Bike beat out the Rower in 2021 by a few % points, so is this the new #1 cardio item for home gym owners?
  • The Rogue LP-2 was the winner for specialty strength machines, but not a ton. A similar product from Titan was just behind it, which isn’t too shabby, being half the cost. The LP-2 also takes 24-32 weeks to ship right now, which seems crazy! The other single pulley stack weight system from Fray wasn’t too far behind either.
Lat Tower with 300 LB Weight Stack

The top 5 include:

RankItemHot🔥Not🥶% 🔥
1Raw Clear Coat AB-52003,88826393.66%
2Metallic Black Ab-52004,05730093.11%
3Rep AB-5200240322591.44%
4Rogue Competition Plates281030490.24%
5Rogue Adjustable Bench 3.0235125990.08%

The Bottom 5 include.

82Force USA MyBench645185725.78%
83Massage Gun Holder1,1143,32025.12%
84Concrete Plates543247817.97%
85Sport Bench291199812.71%
86Powerblock Pro Series Straight Bar4494,04010.00%

(7:53) New Products Released

  • REP ARES: selectorized cable and lat pulldown/low row rack attachment
  • Xebex XT3 Sled: Torque Tank with additional features
Xebex XT3 Sled

Force USA G15 All-In-One Trainer

(20:21) Top Survey Results from Q1

In 5 years, who will be the most popular equipment supplier for home gym strength?

  • Rogue was the easy number one with over half of the votes, with REP in second at around 21%.

  • How did that change since this was asked in February of last year? REP made the biggest jump, but Rogue still owns a pretty big lead, as we mentioned above.
CompanyFebruary 2021January 2022% Change

Which strength sport interests you most?

  • Powerlifting is the #1 choice, but overall it’s a pretty diverse group.

How do you feel about tech entering the home gym space?

  • The results were nearly identical to what we saw in July of 2021. With 49% voting neutral and only a combined 28% being either a big fan/keep me away, it doesn’t seem to be on the radar of most.

Do you typically follow a workout program, Do you pay for a workout program, and Do you have a 1:1 coach?

  • Most are following some sort of program, a little over half of them pay for something, and then a total of just under 12% have a 1:1 coach.

Which specialty piece of equipment are you choosing first?

With cost in mind, who are you choosing to fill an entire home gym with?

  • Rogue wins this by just a few over REP. They combined for about 77% of the votes.
  • The friendlier-priced Titan received about 2x more votes than Sorinex.

Which rack accessory are you most interested in?

  • The lat/low row attachment seems to be at the top when it comes to larger or premium rack accessories.

We have a few stats that tell us that most home gyms come in all shapes and sizes. In addition, they’re not necessarily in the ideal space.

  • Nearly 2 out of 3 are around 200 square feet or less
  • It’s pretty normal for someone to have a ceiling height that isn’t too big of an issue. Over 60% have ceiling heights of around 8 or 9 feet
  • It’s likely that you’re not utilizing a full room for a home gym, and not using all walls.

Safety Squat Bar voted as the most popular Specialty Bar

(36:01) Summary of Podcasts from Q1

  • As of this recording, we’ve released 29 podcasts in 2021 (10 before the year started).
  • We talked with people like Garage Gym Lab, Jason Campbell from Surplus Strength, Joe Gray, the Chicken, Mark from Plate Snacks, Gluck, Jake Boly, Mike from Garage Gym Updates, and More.
  • Also, founders like Kaevon from Bells of Steel, PRx Founders, Ashton from Freedom Fitness Equipment, Grant from Strength Co, and MORE
  • We also will have 5 roundtables recorded by the end of this month.

(45:11) Top Clips

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