Adjustable vs. Loadable Dumbbells, Plate Loaded Machines, Pulley Data, and MORE

With Aaron Curls in the Rack as the guest analyst, we discuss pulleys, plate-loaded machines, loadable vs. adjustable dumbbells, and more!

The episode can be watched or listened to on Spotify, Apple, YouTube, Anchor, or wherever you get your podcasts!

(0:50) Summary of All Results

  • 1:1 Pulley Ratios are the most popular choice for lat pulldown and functional trainer ratios. 2:1 was a close second though with functional trainers. 4:1 was not of interest to many at all.

  • Only about 5% don’t have a bench at all and 36% own multiple. If you do some math, about 59% have a single bench. From previous polls we know that is likely to be an adjustable bench.
  • More people own bumper and iron plates than each on their own. 37% own both, 36% bumpers only, 24% iron, and 3% own other/none.
  • In a battle of plate loaded machines, the functional trainer narrowly beats out the lat pulldown, leg curl/extension machine, and belt squat (in that order)
Plate-Loaded Functional Trainer

  • There is some, but not a lot of people watching YouTube while working out. 57% state they never watch and only 8% say over 50% of the time.
  • Only a small amount own a Whoop (10%), and the overall interest from the rest isn’t too high with about 3 in 4 of the rest not wanting one.

(3:59) Pulley Data

  • To start, you’ll see that basically nobody wants a 4:1 ratio. Then with the lat pulldown about 65% want a 1:1 ratio vs. 32% wanting a 2:1. It’s a bit closer for functional trainer with 49% voting 1:1 and 46% 2:1.

Alright, next up, “which pulley system are you most likely to get? Price was emphasized.

  • Overall, the responses for this next question were relatively spread out, but when it comes to the most likely pulley system you’d get for home gym, the largest response went to the the most basic option.

(15:53) Plate Loaded Machines

  • This was a repeat question from last September where the order was Lat Pulldown, Functional Trainer, Belt Squat, and then Leg Curl/Extension.

  • There was some changes this time around and all were in the 20’s in terms of percentage, so it was pretty close. The functional trainer was in first with 29%, lat pulldown (2nd) with 27%, Leg Curl/Extension (23%) and then belt squat 21%.

(19:10) Adjustable Dumbbells over Loadable Dumbbells for Most

  • 26% said they had no interest in either, but adjustable dumbbells did receive about 2.3 times more votes than loadable with a total of 51.9% of the votes vs. 22.3%.

All Other Charts

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