Space Data, Plates Data, Bench Data, and MORE

To begin, we are displaying the survey results a bit differently this week. A summary of all results at the top, highlights covered in more depth in section 2, and the rest of the charts towards the bottom.

The founder of Plate Snacks was our guest analyst this week. His 1:1 will be the next episode posted. Nevertheless, this episode can be watched on Spotify or YouTube. In addition, it can be listened to on Apple, Anchor, or wherever you listen to your podcasts.

*use code GGE10 to save 10% off anything from Plate Snacks!

(1:12) Quick Summary of All Survey Results

  • This is random but over 70% watched the Super Bowl
  • We have a few stats that tell us that most home gyms come in all shapes and sizes. In addtion they’re not necessarily in the ideal space.
    • Nearly 2 out of 3 are around 200 square feet or less
    • It’s pretty normal for someone to have a ceiling height that isn’t too big of an issue. Over 60% have ceiling heights of around 8 or 9 feet
    • It’s likely that you’re not utilizing a full room for a home gym, and not using all walls.
  • The majority are not filling their walls with banners/flags. Only about 27% have more than 3. Over 41% have 0.
  • Nearly 3 in 4 have not heard of Plate Snacks
  • Bumper plates are the choice over iron for most.
  • 54% are not satisfied with their current storage situation.
  • Only 1 out of 3 have not added anything used to their space, but only 11% have more than 66% used.
  • 60% think they’ll add to their home gym in the next 90 days.
  • We also ask about benches. 82% believe that an adjustable bench covers their home gym needs, while just 30% think a flat bench does.
  • The Lat/Low Row Attachment is likely the most popular “large” attachment someone can add to their power rack.

Podcast Discussions

We’re going to dive into space, bumper vs. iron, the bench questions, and the favorite “large” rack attachment.

(5:36) Let’s talk space first.

  • With 100, 200, 400, and 800 square feet options, 200 square feet had the highest response with 38% of total votes, which is about the size of a single car or half of a traditional garage. 100 and 400 square feet each had a little less than 27% of votes with only 9% having 800 square feet or more. This question was also asked in May where there was very little change.

  • Ceiling height is a struggle for some. About 15% have around 7 feet or less. These are likely people in a basement. As previously mentioned, about 62% have around 8 or 9 feet. Less than a quarter have something around 10 feet or more.

  • While the majority are only using one or two walls, thre are still about 45% that are utilizing 3 or 4 walls.

(10:06) “Types” of plates are anothers crucial topic for many.

  • Bumper or iron plates? Consistent with most polls done in the past, bumper plates are the easy winner with 56% of the total votes. Iron made up a little less than one-third of voting and “whatever is cheapest,” 13%.

(13:06) Should someone get a flat bench or an adjustable bench to begin their home gym journey?

  • Just 30% believe that an adjustable bench covers their home gym needs, while 82% think an adjustable bench does. We’ve done this survey before and the results didn’t change up too much. It’s ultimately why we typically recommened someone to save up for an adjustable bench rather than just settling for a flat bench.

(15:35) The lat/low row attachment seems to be at the top when it comes to larger or premium rack accessories.

  • About 20% said they were not interested in any, but the lat/low row attachment received more votes than the belt squat and jammer arms combined.

All Other Charts

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