🔥 or 🧊 – C2 Rower Beats Out The Echo Bike

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Okay, let’s get to the results:


  • The Concept 2 Rower eeks out a victory over the Rogue Echo Bike and the rest of the competition this week with 87% 🔥 votes. The Echo Bike beat out the Rower in 2021 by a few % points, so is this the new #1 cardio item for home gym owners?

RankItemHot🔥Not🥶% 🔥
1Concept 2 Rower3,46550387.32%
2Rogue Echo Bike3,13050986.01%
3REP GHD2,69591174.74%
4Assault Bike2,58294773.17%
5Reverse Hammer2,37299470.47%
6RH-2 Rogue Reverse Hyper2,4101,11568.37%
7Force USA Leg Press Hack Squat Combo22091,43060.70%
8Force USA Compact Leg Press1,6951,95046.50%

Six out of the eight were highlighted last year.

Force USA Compact Leg Press

  • The Assault Bike also rose quite a bit, going from 68% to 73%.
Force USA Leg Press Hack Squat Combo60.70%53.42%13.63%
Assault Bike73.17%68.13%7.39%
Concept 2 Rower87.32%83.40%4.70%
Rogue Echo Bike86.01%85.49%0.62%
REP GHD74.74%79.01%-5.41%
Force USA Compact Leg Press46.50%52.50%-11.43%

A complete 2022 list is below, which we will continue to add to almost every week this year. For last week a few additional notes include:

  • The top specialty piece of equipment (GHD) was ranked below many of the “specialty machines with pulleys” that we voted on last week.

RankItemHot🔥Not🥶% 🔥
1Raw Clear Coat AB-52003,88826393.66%
2Metallic Black Ab-52004,05730093.11%
3Savage Storage Racks3,92047589.19%
4Stall Mats3,92452788.16%
5Concept 2 Rower3,46550387.32%
6Rogue Echo Bike3,13050986.01%
7The Monster Cave from Rogue379471384.18%
8Red AB-52003,57469683.70%
9Rogue LP-22,84167080.92%
10Titan 300 lb stack2,46369378.04%
11Rep FT-5000255177776.65%
12Savage Series Lat Pulldown/Low Row with 300 LB Stack2,53681075.79%
13Red Functional Trainer2,15371375.12%
14REP GHD2,69591174.74%
15Blue AB-52003,1231,06074.66%
16Assault Bike2,58294773.17%
17Reverse Hammer2,37299470.47%
18Scout Hyper2,8201,20370.10%
19RH-2 Rogue Reverse Hyper2,4101,11568.37%
20White Fray Fitness Cable Crossover1,9101,16062.21%
21Force USA Leg Press Hack Squat Combo2209143060.70%
22Plate Loadable Lat Tower from Titan1,7171,33056.35%
23Crandall High/Low Pulley1,5571,41752.35%
24Titan Plate Loaded Functional Trainer1,6641,66050.06%
25Nemesis Functional Trainer1,9711,97249.99%
26Force USA G202,1352,19549.31%
27Force USA Compact Leg Press1,6951,95046.50%
28Massage Gun Holder1,1143,32025.12%
29Powerblock Pro Series Straight Bar4494,04010.00%


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