Oh, We’ve Got Issues – August 2021

20 Second Summary

  • The price of obtaining new equipment and lack of space are easily the biggest issues identified in this survey.
  • Safety concerns and controlling temperature are next up.
  • Troubles with keeping the home gym clean is on the rise.
  • Distractions, noise concerns, and warming up are not too big of issues.

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Survey Description

Last week’s Sunday Survey took a look at “issues” home gym owners face. When answering, you needed to highlight whether it was an issue or not and if it was an issue, whether or not it was large, mild, or minor. For example…

Highlights of Survey

  • The biggest issue for most was the price of obtaining more equipment. Only 10% (lowest of all issues) said this was not an issue and nearly 32% voted it as a large issue (most of all issues).
  • The second biggest issues was definitely lack of space for a home gym with only 12% describing this as not an issue.
IssueNot an issueminor issuemild issuelarge issue
Price of obtaining more equipment is10.2%28.1%29.9%31.8%
Lack of space for home gym is12.3%31.8%28.1%27.8%
Working out safely is40.6%21.9%13.6%23.9%
Temperature control is23.8%30.9%26.7%18.7%
Keeping home gym clean is17.0%39.9%27.3%15.8%
Quality of equipment in home gym is42.5%28.1%15.6%13.8%
Equipment aging quickly is48.7%25.4%13.5%12.4%
Amount of equipment is20.2%44.4%24.6%10.9%
Finishing workouts in home gym is49.0%28.4%13.4%9.1%
Not enough lighting is34.2%37.5%19.5%8.8%
Distractions during home workouts are32.6%42.5%17.3%7.6%
Concern about making too much noise is43.8%32.5%17.4%6.3%
Warming up for home workouts are48.1%34.2%11.7%6.1%

  • The biggest non-issues included warming up and concern about making too much noise where only 6% said they were large issues with over 43% “non-issue” votes.
  • While just over 40% said working out safely is not an issue, it did receive the third most “large issue” votes.

  • When looking at just mild or large issues, “temperature control” comes in at #3. Over 45% have issues with keeping the temperature under control. This is even with a good chunk having it within their homes as opposed to the garage.

The “amount of equipment” and “keeping the home gym clean” add up to the highest amounts when looking at just minor and mild issues.

When combining all of the votes, about a third was seen as not an issue, another third was a minor issue, and the final was either large or minor.

Comparison to last time

This exact survey was asked in May earlier this year (with one additional question added). Overall, there were 5.6% more votes for not an issue (32.83% vs. 38.39%).

The largest movers were:

  • Keeping a home gym clean had the most movement since the last time this survey happened. In May only 17% said it was not an issue, but nearly 38% said it was at least somewhat of an issue now this time. There was also a 9.8% increase the number that voted it as a large issue.
  • Not enough lighting, finishing workouts, working out safely, and concern about making too much noise did rise a bit as well.
  • While “price of obtaining more equipment” was the #1 issue in May as well, less did see it as an issue this time around.

That’s it!

The plan is to do this survey “seasonally,” or every three months or so. Thank you all so much for your feedback!

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