The AbMat team released a new take on the medicine ball towards the end of 2020 after spending several years of brainstorming, developing, and perfecting. Several features make this the #1 med ball available for most.
With no sewn seams and a single-piece, polyurethane design, this Med Ball is the most durable and versatile med ball on the market. It’s a ball that should last a lifetime. The diameter of the ball will not change, and you can even slam it as hard as possible without fear of fuzz coming out! There really aren’t many reasons to buy a traditional medicine ball ever again. Gyms and trainers across the world should adopt this as their med ball of choice.
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The medballs are available in 10,14 and 20 lbs, which are the standard sizes you’ll typically find. It would be nice to see them add a few heavier choices. Heavier weight for squats, step-ups, shoulder press, lunges, and more would be beneficial.
All balls include the same 14″ diameter, and the weight is evenly distributed throughout the ball. Since it uses a single piece of foam, the shape stays consistent. While it does take some getting used to (if you’re used to using a traditional med ball), it is easier to get ahold of during wall balls with the textured grip, but it’s still not perfect.
The medballs come out of the box a little slick. It does take some time to break them in, which is common among many different pieces of gym equipment. If you read other reviews online that say it’s slippery, likely, they did not give it much time or use before leaving the review. While there is still room to make it a bit “gripper,” it is easier to handle than your traditional medicine ball.
In addition to the textured grip, there is no stitching that can sometimes disrupt your grasp.
It does pair well with chalk which is helpful during those sweaty workouts.
The ball bounces. If slammed to the ground, it will bounce right back at you. For example, if you throw it as hard as possible from overhead, it’ll likely bounce back up to waist level or slightly above (depending on your strength). This is not a bad thing, but you need to be ready for it. It also has the ability to roll away too, so you cannot toss it and expect it just to sit there.
The foam material is antibacterial and moisture resistant. Therefore, it’s a little more germ-friendly when using with someone else during a “partner wod” or at another gym that isn’t your home. It’s also easy to clean and maintain.
All of the medicine balls were within the +/- 3% weight tolerance promised.
Weight Listed | Actual Weight | Difference | Variance |
10 | 10 | 0 | 0.00% |
14 | 13.8 | -0.2 | -1.43% |
20 | 20 | 0 | 0.00% |
It’s a good-looking ball and available with both AbMat and Rogue branding. This newer model is priced a smidge above traditional medicine balls. For example, the 20 lb option is $115 compared to a traditional Rogue Medicine Ball, which is $105. The promo code GGE10 will save you $10 from the AbMat website.
In the end, this is just a better medicine ball option than what has previously come before. It should be the number one option for those on the market for this piece of equipment. It may not be an item that you go out and buy right away to replace your current med ball, but it is one that you should replace it with when that time comes.
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