Stall Mats, So Hot

Below are survey results for the past week.

Hot🔥 or Not🥶 Results: Stall Mats win out over some impressive machinery.

Good or Bad Idea🤔: Week #2 Results

Sunday Survey Results📊: Strength is more important than conditioning and mobility to most

Rack Attachment Battle🆚: It’s a toss up between landmines and dip handles as the favorite in this survey.

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Hot🔥 or Not🥶 Results

Premium 4'x6' Stall Mat Gym Flooring - 3/4" Rubber - Made in USA
  • All other #s are below. Click here to view all results for this year.
RankItemHot VotesNot Votes% Hot
1Stall Mats (REP)7,6411,08787.55%
2Surplus Strength UPS High6,3131,75278.28%
3Savage Series Lat Pulldown/Low Row with 300 LB Stack6,9682,30875.12%
4REP Rackable Curl Bar6,8172,34774.39%
5Rogue Single Handle Cable Attachment5,7272,30971.27%
6Adroit Landmine5,5732,78966.65%
7Torque Fitness M45,1903,82057.60%
8Xebex Air Rower 2.04,6623,74055.49%
9Irwin Fitness Monolift Attachment4,2294,06351.00%

Good or Bad Idea? 🤔

Here results of the second week of “Good or Bad Idea?” All results can be found here, which will continue to update as more of these are asked.

  • 💡The #1 idea this week was a platform that automatically lays flat, even with a sloped garage that so many of us deal with.
  • The #2 idea is an idea that is already out there in the wild. PRX does make a landmine that doubles as barbell storage. There seems to only be a wall-mounted version. A rack-mounted version would be pretty handy.
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  • A wall attached and collapsible row machine? Over 3/4 said there is potential in this idea. More ideas are below! The “Idea Generators” are the ones that submitted the ideas.
The IdeaGood IdeaBad Idea% Good IdeaIdea Generator
Platform that automatically lays flat even with sloped garage3,51132991%@quad.of.war
Landmine that can be used as a vertical barbell holder3,46439990%@saludchi
Rack Mounted Sissy Squat Attachment (for ext and ham curls)2,62279277%@davidlucgraap
Collapsible/Wall Mounted Row Machine2,83591776%@iacobfritts
Squat Stand w/ Weightlifter Platform Quick Release Ability to Attach/Remove Stands2,278104569%@carlos.oak
Beer that’s also a recovery drink2,672131967%@a.g.emery
Pay by the hour gyms at airports2,658133167%@sa_burn
Collapsible Jerk Blocks/Stands2,031175354%@cbutler.90

Sunday Survey Results 📊

Below is a few highlights of the survey results from last week. All results from last week and this year are here.

  • A whopping 80.4% said the quality of their life would decrease if their home gym was taken away today.
  • When comparing against conditioning and mobility, strength is more important to most answering these surveys. While only 14% said it was their biggest weakness, nearly 43% described it as the trait they want to improve most. Conditioning and mobility performed about the same with these back-to-back questions.

  • Only about 10% have had a home gym for over 5 years and 78% have had one less than 3 years.

Rack Attachments Battle

Buy One, Rent One, and Trash One? Those involved were:

  • Jammer Arms
  • Rack-Mounted Landmine
  • Dip Attachment

  • The dip attachment was the most “bought” item, landmine “rented,” and jammer arms “trashed.”
  • There wasn’t a clear winner. While the dip attachment was bought by nearly half, it was also trashed by 37% compared to just 25% of the landmines being trashed.
  • The winner was definitely not the jammer arms, though, with the least “buy” and most “trash” votes.

It was also asked in an IG story question, “Which one are you going to keep if you could only have one?” This was very close, with the landmine eeking out a victory.

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