Which One, Specialty Bar Matchup, Equipment You Miss, 🔥 or 🥶, Prices Going Up?


Sunday Survey – Which One?

This Sunday Survey was a list of matchups, where you had to choose “which one” you preferred? They were random companies, pieces of equipment, workout styles, etc. The highlights include:

Transformer vs. Marrs – A Specialty Squat Bar Matchup for the Ages

The Transformer and Marrs Bar are likely the most highly coveted specialty squat bars on the market. In a head to head matchup via an IG post and Story:

  • The Transformer Bar received 76% of the votes in a matchup with the Marrs Bar in a story poll.
  • However, the Marrs Bar led the way in this IG post, looking for feedback. There were not quite as many responses as we’ve received in the past for this type of comparison post.
  • There were 100x more responses on the story post, so that makes the Transformer Bar by “majority decision.”
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What’s the one piece of equipment you miss most from a different gym when using your home gym?

This question was asked as the #sundaysurveydiscussion. Keep in mind this was just looking for “equipment” answers. Highlights include:

  • The #1 item piece of equipment missed was the leg press. Hack squat, leg curl/extension, and calf machines were also mentioned for lower body exercises.
  • Most do not have the convenience of “an entire rack of dumbbells.”
  • Those with access to a sauna or steam room at their other gym.
  • Cable crossovers or anything pulley-related has not yet made its way to most home gyms.
  • Many expressed certain exercises they could not perform due to ceiling height issues – for example, rope climb or muscle-ups.
  • “Hammer Strength” was mentioned quite a bit.
  • All responses can be found here.
Monster Ultimate 45 Degree Leg Press Hack Squat Combo

Hot or Not Results

AB-5000 ZERO GAP Adjustable Bench
  • The three most recent products Rogue released were 2, 3, and 4
  • You all did the Titan Cable Crossover DIRTY
RankItemHot🔥Not🥶% 🔥
1Rep AB-50006,03065790.17%
2Rogue USA Aluminum Collars – Magnetic5,9611,07284.76%
3Monster Lite Half Rack5,7591,16883.14%
4Rogue 24″ Wall Storage Stringer5,5011,68876.52%
5Kadillac Bar4,7741,61174.77%
6PRX Pro Rack4,6072,21067.58%
7REP FT-30004,5902,36466.01%
8Ryobi Leaf Blower4,3612,52063.38%
9Immortal Wall Ball4,0102,51661.45%
10Torque M13,9292,75158.82%
11Lion Kettlebell – Zoobell4,0213,07756.65%
12Titan Cable Crossover2,2894,68032.85%

Most Believe that equipment prices will continue to go up

  • In a recent story post, 78% believe that the prices of equipment will continue to go up.
  • The primary reason appears to be that the price of steel is going up rapidly. This, in combination with a high demand for gym equipment, is a deadly combination for the buyer.
  • A perfect example is the Titan Lat Pulldown pictured below that was about 10% cheaper last week.

That’s it! Are there matchups, survey questions you’d like to see, etc.? Please reach out!

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