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What are you doing with these Kabuki Bars?
Keep One, Use One Once, and Sell One?
- The Kadillac Bar: Specialty Bench Bar
- The Transformer Bar: Multi-Function Squat Bar
- The Trap Bar HD: Open Trap Bar
This was asked in an IG POST and the results are in:
- The Transformer Bar was the clear winner. 62% would KEEP the this bar, which also had the least amount of people that would sell it.
- The Kadillac Bar was only kept 9% of the time, but it’s up against some pretty tough competition. It’s also by far the cheapest of the three options.
- While the Transformer Bar was the most popular, 28% would choose to keep the Open Trap Bar.
Prime vs. Titan Lat Pulldown Option
This is another poll done via an Instagram Post. These two items (Plate Loaded Lat Tower from Titan vs. Prime Fitness Selectorized Single Stack) are a tough comparison. The Prime option is estimated to be nearly 10x more expensive than the Titan option and uses a stack weight option vs. plate loaded option. Many pointed this out on the post as well. Nevertheless, we wanted to see what home gym owners were going to spend with price in mind.
74% chose the Plate Loaded Lat Tower from Titan. Overall, the feedback was that it was just too good of a value to pass up.

Here are a few reviews of the items if anyone is interested.
- Titan Plate Loaded Lat Tower
- Prime Fitness Selectorized Single Stack (Garage Gym Lab)
4/11 Sunday Survey Results
Who is even answering these surveys? In the latest Sunday Survey, it was discovered that…
- 82% are male.
- 94% are under 45.
- 82% are in the USA
- It snows more than 5 times a year for 47%
- The number of blue-collar workers vs. white-collar workers were the exact same
- 45% are parents
- Powerlifting would be the sport of choice for many, but “Bodybuilding” made some serious gainz over the past year.
- A power rack is much more appealing to this group of respondents than a pulley system or cardio equipment.
- About 4x more people believe that saving time is a more important benefit of owning a home gym than saving money.