Dehumidifier, DIY, Data, and MORE

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Dehumidifier for the Garage Gym?

Not many would define their garage or “basement gym” as the “freshest” room in the house. Usually, without direct access to an air conditioner/heater, the temperature can vary, and dust will accumulate as you drive the car in/out, store tools, and walkthrough with muddy shoes. If it’s humid outside, the garage will be humid, which isn’t a fantastic thing for gym equipment. A solid dehumidifier can help out with many of these issues and create a more comfortable environment for your garage gym. Read more about why a dehumidifier may be a good option for you.

A Simple DIY Storage Option

You just splurged on some new gym equipment, but it’s all just lying on the ground? Precious space is being taken up, and it would look so much better off the floor! However, you’re not ready to spend much more. Here are storage shelves/dumbbell rack instructions that can be customized to your needs and save some money.

$6.99 to Make Your Battle Rope Experience Better

This battle rope anchor allows you to easily strap your battle ropes to a tree, rig, pole, or any other surface you’d typically attach a battle rope to. Without the friction of whatever the rope is typically tied to, the ropes move smoother and are easier to control. Also, this will remove some of the up and down the grinding, which will cause wear and tear on the rope. You could probably whip up something cheaper than $6.99, but this price is reasonable.

The anchor comes from REP, who also makes a nice battle rope. They are high-quality ropes that can be used on concrete, grass, traditional gym flooring, or wherever you’d like to use them. The handle is comfortable and easy to grip. Lastly, they are at a tough price to beat.

Sunday Survey Results

Last week’s Sunday Survey simply asked if you owned an item. There were 29 items asked about and each one received an average of nearly 12,200 responses. Highlights include:

  • Resistance bands came it at #1 with 89% owning. A barbell fell just behind (86%) and dumbbells were the third most owned product (83%).
  • 29% more own adjustable benches compared to flat benches
  • 67% own bumper plates compared to 61% iron (some own both)
  • Only 5 of the 29 products asked about were owned by more than 75%
  • The large specialty machines came in at the very bottom.

What’s Your Favorite Piece of Cardio Equipment?

This was asked a few weeks ago as a #sundaysurveydiscussion. There weren’t a ton of instructions, so the answers varied, but the number one mentioned item was…. the Rogue Echo Bike. When looking at specific products mentioned, the Concept 2 Rower and Assault Bike were not too far behind.

A breakdown of the responses are below. A few notes and highlights include:

  • The overall responses were very spread out. For example, the number 1 response received 13.7% of the responses. Nevertheless, rowers and air bikes were clearly the top 2 responses given.
  • The Concept 2 Rower could very well be the most popular item, but there were a large number of people that simply put “rower.” There weren’t many people who put “air bike” as the response.
  • Jokes and responses with cardio options used outside of the gym were not added. For example, the mountain bike was a popular answer.
  • Concept 2 had three specific items listed in the top 10.

That’s It

Thanks for subscribing. Please reach out if you have any suggestions.

As a reminder, $100 to the equipment supplier of your choice is given out for every week this year. Winners are notified at the end of each month 🤞.

Please share your experience