Sunday Survey Results for 2/8/2020

What are you adding to your home gym first (Flooring, Air Bike, Lat Pull Down Machine, Mass Storage)? Flooring, which could be described as a “Home Gym Essential,” easily wins this one with nearly half of the total votes. The lat pull down machine beat out the air bike by a decent margin for second place, and mass storage came in last.

The level of interest in the F-50 (pictured below chart) varied. This unit won’t be #1 on all home gym owners’ lists, and Force USA knows that. About half voted low, while 43% combined for medium/high. Only 5% said they were undecided.

In addition, about 2/3 see this as a secondary tool as opposed to a primary rack.

Nearly 3/4 respondents say they own a power or squat rack.

After finding out how many owned racks, it was asked, “Where is your power rack from?” Rogue led the way with about 35% of the votes, while Titan and Rep combined for an additional 20%. “Other” was picked about 46% of the time.

Rogue RM-3 pictured on Rogue’s Website

Most say that the racks they own are made in the in USA or the country they live in, while about 19% have no idea where there rack was made.

The majority of respondents enjoy working out by themselves. Only 3% said they preferred to work out in a larger group.

The level of interest in “Premium Bumper Plates” is relatively spread out. For reference, results are somewhat similar to interest in “premium j-cups,” which was asked last week.

Quite a bit of time is saved by owning a home gym. 85% said they saved at least 15 minutes a day. If you are able to save 15 minutes a day and multiply that by 365 days a year, you’ll ultimately end up saving over 91 hours of your precious time.

That’s 91 additional hours to #slambarsthenbrews! Or you know… spend time with your family, start a business, get additional time in the office, learn a hobby, etc.

About 61% are using at least one fitness app, but half of the users are just using 1.

When asked about home gym budget, only about 1 out of 3 plan to spend less than $500 on their home gym next year. The most popular response was “More than $1,000,” with 35% of total votes.

That’s it. Thank you for reading. Thank you for filling out the surveys. It’s greatly appreciated!

Please share your experience