Sunday Survey Results for 1/17/2021


  • Monolift attachments are not at the top of the priority list for most.
  • Just over half said they’d be willing to pay more for plates made within their country.
  • Most will likely add to their home gym in the next 90 days.
  • Many do not ever reach 405 lbs on the barbell, which could open up several other questions about plate and barbell dimensions?
  • Those answering the Sunday Surveys like reading about home gym equipment with product reviews.

Survey Results

How does the majority feel about monolift attachments? Overall, there is not a ton of interest. There were nearly 2 times more votes for “IDK what those are” vs. “High Interest”. The most popular response was “low interest,” with over 40% of the votes.

57% said they’d be willing to pay more for plates made in their country. How much more is the real question.

For Americans looking, here are a few options that have been in stock recently:

True or False? The softer the bumper plates, the better. Only 20% say true.

48% are repping at least one flag/banner in their home gym?

Most plan on adding to their home gyms in the next 90 days. Only 28% voted “probably or definitely not” when asked if they would add to the home gym within this timeframe. Most home gym owners are building it out one step at a time, making sense.

How often do you have more than 405 lbs. on the bar? 495 lbs.? About half of survey respondents never put more than 405 pounds on the bar, and 3/4 never have more than 495. This was asked because there is a good amount of banter about the width of bumper plates. However, does it matter if most aren’t filling up the bar anyway? Does a barbell need to be the standard size it is today?

The level of interest in reading reviews for the home gym is quite high. 73% either voted high or very high, with just a total of 8% voting low.

Sunday Survey Discussion – What’s your favorite home gym hack?

There are some helpful responses, but also some truly wild ones in the post below. Some notable ones include:

  • Leaf blower
  • Change plates or carjack rather than purchasing a deadlift jack.
  • Chains as weights
  • Landmine Hacks (with tennis ball or towel)
  • Numerous ways to turn what you have into a GHD
  • The post comments below are worth taking a look at!

You all are moving the industry forward with this data. THANK YOU!

Please share your experience