Sunday Survey Results for 12.20.2020

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Will commercial gyms be back to normal in a year? Just 44% say yes.

Is it worth spending $30-$40 more for a barbell that will not rust? A whopping 89% think so. A stainless steel vs. a raw barbell example is below. A follow-up conversation is here.

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Should people stop complaining about shipping costs for heavy equipment? With nearly 13,000 responses, 56% voted YES. You can also chime in on this post here if you have something to say. It seems like the right thing to do unless you have a better solution? These companies are sometimes shipping thousands of pounds across the country.

How many workout in your home gym? It’s probably shocking to some that it’s not just the household’s meathead that is utilizing the gym. Only 30% of respondents said one person utilizes the gym, while over 22% have four or more. The most popular answer was two, with nearly 37% of the votes.

Have you seriously considered owning a yoke? 30% say yes.

👇They are more versatile than you think! 👇 The model is from Raptor Fitness.

For your home gym setup, which rack style is best? Power racks make up just over half of the votes, with squat racks in a distant second place. About 7% don’t know the difference between power, squat, and half rack.

How much do you expect to pay for your rack of choice? The sweet spot seems to be between $400 and $700, where about 41% voted. Only 16% voted above $1,000 and below $400.

What’s the ideal height of the rack? About 54% believe 7-8 feet is the height they are looking for. Less than 15% want under 7 feet and 4% over 9.

What’s your level of interest in an “All-In-One-Rack” like what’s shown below (Force USA G3)? 23% high, 24% medium, 46% low, and 6% neutral. Overall, slightly more voted medium or high compared to low.

Lastly, we have the Sunday Conversation, which asked: What’s your biggest home gym regret? Most of the issues revolved around:

  • Not starting earlier (this was mentioned the most)
  • Not buying quality equipment, to begin with (buy once cry once) 😭
  • Purchasing large pieces of equipment that don’t get much use and take up precious space
  • Not purchasing a house that is ideal for a home gym (didn’t foresee the need)
  • Adding flooring too late in the process or going cheap on flooring, to begin with
  • Not buying the correct items for the current space and/or training goals.
  • There are many more individual mentions, and it’s definitely a post worth scrolling through, which you can find below.👇

That is it. Thanks all for the feedback!