Sunday Survey Results for 12.13.2020

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The Discussion

In 5 years, who will be the most popular equipment supplier for home gyms? This was the question asked for the #sundaysurveydiscussion last week. Summary below:

  • As expected, Rogue led the way with about 38% of the responses and Rep/Titan another 25%.
  • Amazon/Walmart made up about 9% and a few even mentioned Tesla and Apple 🤯. There were thoughts that companies like this will focus more on creating their own lines or buy another company.
  • The final 28% included a list of over 60 companies with Sorinex, Fray, and Ghost Strong leading the way.
All mentions of consideration were added as

Sunday Survey Results

The ability to add accessories to a power rack seems to be essential for most. 85% voted that it’s either “Important” or “Very Important.” Less than 3% said not important?

The question above was also asked one year ago. How did the responses change? The “Very Important” voters rose from 40% to 53%. Therefore, the ability to add accessories to a power rack is even more important than it was a year ago.

61% follow a specific workout program


an additional 33% pay for programming


and 14% have their own 1:1 coach.

What would you rather have? A Functional Trainer, Rogue Echo Bike, or 4 Tier Storage System? With 38% of the votes, a functional trainer wins, but it was pretty close.

82% say they’d rather get a power rack from Rogue vs. Rep (18%).

Once you go home gym, you never go back. 95% say that space for a home gym is absolutely necessary in next home.

Interested in limited edition gym equipment? Just about half said no, while a 17% voted “very high” and another 11% said “High.”

Seems like enough people for companies like Rep to keep making unique items like the one below ⬇️

or these American J-Cups from Bridge Built

Most survey respondents believe the popularity of home gyms will pass commercial gyms. 51% votes yes and another 11% believe that they already have.

How did the responses change from when this was asked back in August? There were quite a bit less saying home gyms have already passed the popularity of home gyms.

Will the popularity of home gyms pass commercial gyms?August 2020December 2020% Change
They Already Have23%11%-52%

That’s it. THANKS TO ALL who helped by answering these questions.


Please share your experience