The E1 Training Bar from LUXIAJUN Barbell represents the ideal bar for someone wanting to perform Olympic lifts AND general lifting at a budget-friendly price. With a 28 mm diameter, 8 needle bearings, a passive knurl, and priced at just $215, this bar would be ideal for many. Without question, it’s one of the better bangs for your buck barbells on the market today.
This bar is unlike most multi-purpose bars on the market. With 8 needle bearings, the rotation of the bar is extremely smooth for Oly Type lifts. However, the spin is not overwhelming. Deadlifts, squat, and bench can still be performed without too much rotation. It’s ideal for many CrossFit style workouts that do include the Oly Lifts.
Note: if you are not doing any clean, clean and jerk, or snatch regularly, this bar is not for you. A more traditional multi-purpose or power bar would be a better option.
Most multi-purpose bars use a 28.5 mm shaft, while the E1 measures in at an even 28. This is typical among Olympic Weightlifting Bars. The grip ultimately makes it ideal for pulling movements like the snatch, clean and jerk, and even the deadlift. The thinner diameter also provides a little more whip than a thicker bar and is easier to “hook grip” with. If you squat and bench more often than you Power Clean, a 28.5 mm diameter is probably a better option.
The bar in this review has a “Black Chrome” coating throughout the shaft and sleeve. After several months of use, there is not a ton of wear showing, but there will eventually be some marks of imperfections. While this does not impact the bar’s performance, you can also upgrade to the “Hard Chrome” option, which will look better over time for an additional $10. For most, this upgrade is probably worth it. The “Black Chrome” is a beautiful looking bar. It just won’t look like that forever.

The knurl on this bad boy is relatively passive. Thus, it works best with high volume training. It looks good too. The pattern is consistent throughout, and there aren’t any noticeable issues.
Here are a few more details:
- It includes dual knurl marks.
- No center knurl, which will save your neck during high-intensity workouts that include cleans.
- Tensile Strength is 200k and weight capacity is 1,500 lbs, so it’ll be able to handle just about whatever weight is added.
- The warranty is just for 2 years. Many companies do offer lifetime warranties
- It’s important to note that the packaging may be the best on the market. It was much easier to open than the way most barbells are shipped and unharmed completely.
- The loadable sleeve length is comparable to other bars in the same category. Below you’ll see it next to a Rogue Ohio Bar.
In the end, this is an excellent all-around bar for the oly lifter or CrossFitter that also wants to be able to squat, bench, and deadlift. It will be tough to find a better price for a bar that includes 8 needle bearings and is built as solidly as this one. Whether it’s a secondary barbell or a primary option in a home gym, any all-around lifter should be confident in this purchase, especially those that like to sling the barbell over their heads.