It’s getting a little colder outside #sundaysurveyresults

⚒️ 86% of respondents said they are building out their home gym one step at a time.

How Important is it for you to have an 11 gauge steel rack? 23% classified this as very important, while 29% said it’s not. The largest vote-getter was “somewhat important” with 16% not knowing what this question means.

The question above was also asked in February. The responses have shifted towards the “More Important” side slightly. It’s also important to note that November received about 8x more responses than February.

🥶40% say their workouts have suffered as the weather has become colder. 🥶

The best bar for most people is probably a Multi-Purpose Bar, right? Yep, that’s probably right. 51% said that the best barbell for them is bar that can do everything, but a Power Bar did get 36% of the votes.

63% of respondents say their gym is in the garage and basements make up another 17%. . 20% have it elsewhere.

A moderate knurl is what most are looking for. Only 6% was their bar to be passive.

About half of the survey respondents said they own multiple barbells. Only 11% said they did not have any. 🤯

62% expect to purchase at least one barbell in the next 12 months. 😍

About 40% of the survey respondents are following at least 4 Home Gym Instagram Accounts!

That’s it. Thanks for reading.


  1. Regarding the gauge of rack steel – there is so much misinformation out there. Last year when I was researching racks, I was looking for 11 gauge if possible. Some companies listed 11 gauge racks for reasonable prices and usually that was not the case. I often looked at the total weight of the rack to get a better idea but that didn’t help either. TDS advertised their racks as 11 gauge at a good price yet it tuned out they were more like 13 gauge and they changed their advertising as a result.

    I ended getting what I thought was a great deal on a rack from Fringe Sport and it was advertised it as 11 gauge. When I received the rack it was actually 16 gauge (I would never purchase less than 14 gauge). It was a good rack in all other aspects. I write a review for the product (and it was not scathing at all but I mentioned the error) and they never contacted me back and never posted the review either. I will never order from them again. By the way the same rack is now advertised as 16 gauge and they tripled the price. Not happy when companies do this.

Please share your experience