Would you go to a commercial gym right now?

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Below are the Sunday Survey Results for 11/15/2020.

Just under half (48%) of survey respondents say they would go to a commercial gym right now. This was also asked in an Instagram Post (huge thanks to all who participated) where the responses were pretty much 50/50. Overall, it’s a toss-up. Some of the themes included:

  • Many felt their gyms are doing a very good job in enforcing policies, so they were not too concerned.
  • However, there were still plenty that are not going to give it a chance (including a GM of a commercial gym). It’s just not worth the risk according to many, especially when you have a setup at home.
  • Several comments were made from personal trainers who are now working out of their garage and say their clients love it.
  • Many mentions where people did not want to catch it at the gym and pass it along to family or someone else they know with an underlying condition or are higher risk.
  • People have more trust in going to their smaller gyms.
  • Some say it’s the same as going to a grocery store.

No matter where you stand, we can all agree that having a home gym option helps (before, during, and after the virus).

More Survey Results

Random question, but …. 64% choose Coffee vs. 36% Energy Drinks.

51% say they know the diameter of their primary barbell. 49% do not. Below are the results of those that do know. The most widely used diameter is 28.5 (probably as expected) with over 35% of the votes.

45% have purchased something for their home gym from the used marketplace (Facebook, Craigslist, etc) in the last 6 months, but only 29% have sold something.

Survey respondents expect to spend a little less on gym equipment next year. For example, 40% said they will spend over $1,000 this year, but only 25% are predicting the same for next. Below is a look at what people expect to spend this year vs. next.


  1. I have signed up for your giveaway as @lakesurfer42 on instagram. I know you probably pick winners at random, but please pick me! I am a teacher who just before the pandemic started, had sold our house with the intention of renting until building on our land next year. I was due with our 4th child (first girl!) just 2 weeks after school shutdowns happened and 3 weeks before our move. Our rental fell through and we had to move last minute into a tiny rental with a horrible slum lord. Like not safe for kids and didn’t even have running water when we moved in for a week! We ended up buying a foreclosure that my husband had to completely gut and redo from the floor up to get out of the bad living situation. and he crushed it! So in July we moved with our 3 little boys and baby AGAIN – during a pandemic. By ourselves because nobody could help. We have had to push our build back now a couple years for financial reasons and building costs going up so much. I have been teaching from home since August now this school year (making only 1/10th my regular pay) with all of my boys home and with baby. I cannot get to a gym, because it’s just me and we live in the country, and with covid and my health issues cannot have anyone come watch the kids, and I recently lost my mom to an incredibly rare cancer who was always there for us. Bottom line – I NEED A MIRACLE AND A WIN THIS YEAR and I need to be able to lift again! For my body AND MY MIND!!! I do not look and feel like myself anymore, and I need my boys to think their Momma is the strongest in the world again, and I need my little girl to think the same and see that she can be strong, too! She just turned 7 months last week and has already started walking- so I can see like me, she already has a lot of fight in her! My 32nd Birthday and 10 year wedding Anniversary are just weeks away, so if you feel like blessing us with a gift, that would amazing – but either way, what you’re doing will help someone, and that’s pretty cool, too, because this year has been a lot of bad. Thank you!

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