Rep AB-5200 or Rogue Adjustable Bench 2.0? + More

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The Rep AB-5200 is a Better Option For Most Than the Rogue Adjustable Bench 2.0

A solid adjustable bench is the best option for much of the home gym population. Most are beefier and easier to use than FID options and much more versatile than a flat bench. The Rep AB-5200 and 2.0 from Rogue are two of the best options out there. However, the AB-5200 is a better option for most. Why?

  • Neither are small, but the AB-5200 is several inches longer than the Rogue 2.0. This is especially helpful if you are over 6 feet tall.
  • The AB-5200 is more comfortable. The pad is just a tad softer (and grippier), but still extremely firm. It’s also .75″ WIDER.
  • The AB-5200 can be stored vertically, saving quite a bit of space when not in use. The 2.0 does not have this ability. For home gym owners, this is HUGE.
  • 7 pad adjustments (5200) vs. 6 (2.0). The Rep includes a cage with the ladder design and also feels a bit smoother when adjusting.
  • The 2.0 may be a litttttttle bit more stable, but the 5200 still has very little budge.
  • The 5200 is $100 cheaper. It is not made in the USA while the Rogue one is though
  • Both are phenomenal benches.

GGE x GreyFit Sandbag

This is a Limited Edition Sandbag from GreyFit. With 50, 75, 100, and 150 lb options, this type of sandbag will add a ton of versatility to your home gym! These are 100% handcrafted in the USA. GGE is proud to partner up with GreyFit who is making extremely high-quality sandbags at affordable prices within this country.

The Medicine Ball of the Future?

The AbMat team spent several years developing this ball. With no sewn seams and a single-piece, polyurethane design, this Med Ball is likely the most durable and versatile option on the market. The diameter of the ball will not change and you can even slam it without fear of fuzz coming out! It’s also easy to grip, pairs well with chalk, antibacterial, and moisture resistant.

There really isn’t any reason to buy a traditional medicine ball ever again. Gyms and trainers across the world should adopt this as their med ball of choice.

How to Keep Your Horse Stall Mats in Place?

One of the fixes is simple, cheap, and something most with a home gym are capable of doing. Simply add Gorilla Tape to the corners and other spots where the horse stall mats connect. After adding tape to the corners, a few additional pieces in between will keep them from coming apart. If you want to eliminate all debris from entering in between the mats, you can cover all creases.

What Do You Own? Sunday Survey Results

For 21 different pieces of equipment, last week’s survey simply asked, “Do you own (x piece of equipment)?” The average amount of answers for each item were well over 16,000. Results are below.

Have a Good Week


  1. Rogue Adjustable Bench 2.0 actually can be stored upright, though it does require purchase of $20 attachment.

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