9.20 Sunday Survey Results
Reverse Hyper. Functional Trainer. Belt Squat. GHD. You have room for one. Which one are you choosing? The number one response was a Functional Trainer with 36% of votes. It was followed by the GHD (28%), Belt Squat (21%), and then Reverse Hyper (15%).
Powerlifting, CrossFit, Bodybuilding, or Strongman… What interests you the most? In this poll, CrossFit is the winner, slightly beating out powerlifting by just 5 votes (over 10,000 total votes). This question got many “Oly Weightlifters” upset because they were not on the list. HA! Sorry about that. There are only 4 possible choices with how the polls are done so someone is usually left off.
46% believe that it is okay to finance gym equipment and 13% of survey respondents have.
About 2/3rds have at least a medium interest in a massage gun. 55% say they have used one.
32% admit to being an “Equipment Snob.”
How likely are you to buy gym equipment “you absolutely need” from a company you’ve never heard of? Over 45% are neutral on this question and the rest of the votes are basically split between likely and not likely.
9.27 Sunday Survey Results
Kabuki or Eleiko? Where would you rather have a bar from? Eleiko wins this one with 59% of the votes.
51% of respondents typically drink a pre-workout before working out.
74% drink coffee (at all).
The majority of people are not very interested in getting custom work for their gym equipment.
32% are currently going to another gym.
Adjustable or Loadable Dumbbells? This is a pretty close one. In a head to head matchup 44% voted for adjustable, 37% for loadable, and 19% didn’t know the difference.
Then, when breaking it down to the “level of interest,” loadable dumbbells actually had a more “high level of interest” votes. Overall, it seems like this comparison is a toss up.
Let’s call the level of interest in a yoke mild. `16% had high interest but 43% voted low.
10.4 Sunday Survey Results
This week showcased 5 head to head matchups where you simply picked which item you were more interested in. None of these matchups were extremely close. Here is a summary of the results:
- Concept 2 Rower beat out the Xebex Rower in the biggest blowout of the week.
- Battle Ropes DESTROYED the Inertia Wave
- Nearly 7/10 picked a barbell over dumbbells
- 62% chose the Echo Bike over the Assault (38%)
- This group of voters have never given much love to the Peloton. The BikeErg (60.5%) beat out the Peloton (39.5%) even though the Peloton is much pricier.
10.11 Sunday Survey Results
What would you rather win in a giveaway – a bench, plates, dumbbells, or a barbell? The winner here is plates with dumbbells not too far behind.
Within the last week of this survey, 77% searched for gym equipment and another 26% actually made a purchase.
To those filling out these surveys, gym equipment is extremely high on their “Holiday Wish List.” Nearly 68% rated it as high or #1 with only 8% voting low.
3.4x more people said it was more difficult to clear space for equipment than fill it up. This question has been asked several times during these surveys and the results have been very consistent.
65% of respondents said they own something from Rogue, 31% from Titan Fitness, and 29% from Rep.
Only about 16% of those that workout in a garage, say that it’s awkward to do so with the door open.
10.18 Sunday Survey Results
62% say that they do indeed save money by owning a home gym, contrary to many of the amazing gyms posted on Instagram. So, don’t let those fool you!
81% of those answering this survey question identify as male vs. 19% female.
25-34 makes up nearly half of those answering the survey. Somewhat surprisingly, under 25 came in 2nd.
83% America, 7.5% Europe, 5% Canada, and 4% Rest of World answering this survey question asking where you are located.
The Southeast/Northeast combined for about 45% of votes for those in America. There were several people from Texas that just responded saying they were from Texas. I guess they didn’t identify with any of the regions?
55% chose Ice Cream over Beer (45%). Slam Bars then Ice Cream?
74% played high School Sports
31% played college sports
55% said their occupation is blue collar vs. 45% white collar
Lastly, 93% say they’ll own a home gym the rest of their life.