Dehumidifier for the Home Gym?

While there may be many reasons the garage is the best room in the house for a gym, it’s not usually because it has the best air to breathe (unless the doors are open). Not many would define their garage or “basement gym” as the “freshest” room in the house. Usually, without direct access to an air conditioner/heater, the temperature can vary, and dust will accumulate as you drive the car in/out, store tools, and walkthrough with muddy shoes. If it’s humid outside, the garage will be humid, which isn’t a fantastic thing for gym equipment. A solid dehumidifier can help out with many of these issues and create a more comfortable environment for your garage gym.

Reduce Humidity

Walking into a room where you instantly start to sweat is not always ideal. A dehumidifier like this 50-pint dehumidifier from TOSOT can almost instantly create a better environment for your gym. In about an hour of full force action, it can change the humidity of a normal-sized garage from 70% to 40% and maintain until the tank is filled up. Depending on how humid, it could last for a few hours or all day before needing to dump out the water.

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Equipment Saver

The damp environment can also wreak havoc on some gym equipment. Rust can form from the humidity, and your expensive equipment (barbells, kettlebells, dumbbells) can age quickly. By reducing the humidity, you’ll likely be able to expand the equipment’s life and not have to do more intensive forms of maintenance to keep it protected.

Improved Environment

There may be some that say it’s an unnecessary luxury and enjoy working out in sauna-like conditions. However,  it’s nice at least to have the option to workout in a fresher environment. There are many, like personal trainers, who need a controlled environment for themselves or clients. It also doesn’t have to stay in the garage year-round. The dehumidifier has wheels and can easily be transported in and out of the house.

A Recommendation

A few other points about the 50-pint dehumidifier in the pictures:

  • Easy to set up, operate, and all instructions were clear
  • Relatively quiet and not disruptive. It will not disrupt your music or conversation with others.
  • You can also purchase an option with an internal pump if you’d rather not worry about draining the bucket and leave it running for longer periods of time. The emptying process for the one featured in this article is not difficult.
  • It will not make your gym cooler; the dehumidifier may actually raise the temperature a bit
  • TOSOT also offers 30 and 50-pint options if space is a concern
  • Multiple programming options for many types of conditions


In conclusion, a dehumidifier will help create a more comfortable environment for your home gym (basement, garage, other room in the home) and help prevent your equipment from aging quicker than it should. While there are many options on the market, TOSOT offers a very nice dehumidifier. It sucks the moisture out of the air quickly, durable, and easy to maintain. 

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