Bicep size > Mile time? #sundaysurvey


  • Saving time is the #1 reason someone would begin their home gym journey.
  • Only 1 out of 5 have not performed some sort of DIY project for their home gym.
  • TV’s seem like they are ok in the home gym for most
  • Bicep size > Mile time? 58% said yes
  • The deadlift was voted as the FAVORITE lift
  • To start their home gym, some pay a lot, others pay little, and most are somewhere in between. The majority are not buying an entire home gym package to start off the process though.


What was the original reason you started a home gym? The “biggest benefit question” has been asked many times, but the goal here was to see if people started a home gym for the same reason. Save time wins here and…

76% say their vote for this question is still the #1 benefit they receive from owning a home gym.

How many DIY projects have you done in your home gym? Just like any other room in the house, a good amount of people have performed some sort of project in their home gym. The most popular answer was 1-2, but only 20% have performed 0.

Should TV’s be in the home gym? Only 31% say no and nearly 45% say Yes.

Would you rather improve mile time or bicep size? Bicep size wins this one babayyyyyyyyy.

What’s your favorite lift of these options (squat, bench, deadlift, power clean)? Deadlift narrowly beats out the squat as the winner.

How much did you spend on the first purchase for a home gym? The responses to this vary pretty widely as you can see below. The most popular answer is between $251 and $750. About 1 out of 4 started with less than $250 and 17% spent more than $1500 to start.

The last question was “What’s your biggest home gym regret?” There were hundreds of responses that will be analyzed further and shared in an upcoming post.

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