Monster Lite on Top After New Survey Format #hotornot

A few days ago something different was attempted for the Hot or Not Survey. Each item could be hot, warm, neutral, or cold instead of just “hot or not.” Each response had a point total associated with it (hot = 3, warm = 1, neutral = 0, and cold = -2). The “Hot Rating” is an average of all of these.

Why was this done? Because it’s tough to get a true read on how people feel on an item with just two responses. There is a big gap between simply hot or not. There were pros and cons to this method, but this format will be experimented with over the next few weeks to see what should be used going forward.

For last week’s survey, the top 4 from each of the last 3 were chosen to test. Overall, there was not a ton of fluctuation between the rankings.

Here is a summary:

  • The Monster Lite 3.0 placement did not move. It stayed on top. The Echo Bike and Weight Storage stayed in the top 3 as well. These three had the highest percentage vote for “hot.”
  • The sleds from Get RX’d and Fray Fitness fell because their scores were more “warm.”
  • Hex bars moved up the most
  • Remember, these were the top items for the last 3 weeks. The lowest percentage of cold votes was just 18% – mobility tools
Hot Rating = Average Score
Each item has a green to red scale. Green = high percentage of votes, red = low votes, white = moderate.

Below is a quick breakdown of all of the items. Many are on sale during this time of year.

Monster Lite 3.0: The newest squat racks from Rogue would be the centerpiece for any home gym.

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via Rogue Instagram

Rogue Echo Bike: Probably the most popular “Air-Bike” on the market. It’s currently $70 off with FREE SHIPPING so now would be the time to grab it if you’ve been eyeing it. A bike like this has the potential to take your gym to the next level.

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via Rogue Website

PRX Weight Storage: Simple wall storage can make such a big difference.

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via PRX Website

Hex Bars: A barbell shaped like a hexagon. What a concept!

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via Fray Website

Raw Steel Cerakote Racks: A beautiful foldaway squat rack option that is now part of the regular lineup for PRX Performance.

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Via PRX Instagram

Half Racks (Fray Fitness): Sturdier than a squat stand, but won’t take up as much space as a power rack.

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Via Fray Instagram

Home Gym Timer: New timer from Rogue where you can control the remote via their app and is Bluetooth-enabled.

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Via Rogue Website

Bluetooth Headphones: Bluetooth is no longer is considered “high-tech,” but you can’t go wrong with a good set of headphones. Those used for the survey were from ESC Sounds and do not include any chords – like air buds.

Push-Pull Sled (Fray Fitness): Currently on sale for $99.99 with the BLK20 promo code.

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Via Fray Instagram

Get RX’d Sleds: This particular one is the WBD sled from Get RX’d, which can also be used as a wheelbarrow so that you can gear up for yard work season! It’s also $60 off right now.

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Via Get RX’d Website

Warrior Station: Unique storage option from Get RX’D

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via Get RX’d Instagram

Mobility Tools: These tools from RollerTek are an excellent option for those looking to have a number of different items in their home to relieve muscle tension.

This image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is Screenshot_20191030-192734-01-1024x661.jpeg
via Rollertek Instagram

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