Programming + Fit Tech Survey Results


  • Most respondents follow some sort of programming option, but less than a third pay for it.
  • Powerlifters, Weightlifters, and CrossFitters are the ones primarily following a program.
  • Less than half of respondents are using any fitness apps
  • Most seem to be relatively happy with their Fitness Trackers, but only about a third are utilizing them. Another third is interested in using them though.


60% follow a specific workout program and only 8 % have zero or little interest in one. The other 32% think that they probably should follow.

29% pay for programming. The other 71% do not, but this question did not take into account those that do not follow a program.

However, the next question reveals that most who use programming do not pay for it and only about 14% pay more than $30.

CrossFit/Weightlifting/Powerlifting makes up a very large % of those who follow a program – nearly 80%.

Fitness Technology

46% of respondents use at least one fitness app. There was a wide range of responses that included Wodify, Train Heroic, Strava, BodySpace, ReCcount, My Fitness Pal, Beyond the Whiteboard, 5×5 StrongLifts, ROMWOD, 5/3/1, and much more.

36% use a fitness tracker like a Whoop or FitBit, but an additional 32% would consider one.

The primary fitness trackers mentioned in a separate question were FitBit, Garmin, Whoop, Apple Watch, or phone activity. In general, most received high ratings.

46% have heard of Whoop.

39% track their steps.

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