Cardio Themed Sunday Survey Results: 9/8/2019


  • Rowers seem to be the most popular piece of cardio equipment for home gym owners. Concept 2’s are EXTREMELY popular.
  • Only about a third of respondents own more than 1 piece of cardio equipment
  • Contrary to many popular meme’s, most of the respondents do not hate cardio
  • Respondents are performing many more WODs/HIIT workouts than running or biking

What would be the first piece of Cardio Equipment you buy? The rower came out first and the air bike was a pretty close second. Air bikes and rowers combined for 4.5x more votes than a treadmill or stationary bike.

Feelings on Cardio? Nearly 54% of respondents say that they either like or love cardio. Only 15% actually say they HATE cardio.

Which one? Rogue Echo Bike or Assault Bike? The Assault Bike narrowly wins here by taking 50.9% of the votes.

How many pieces of cardio equipment do you own? Most say one and many others say zero. A lot of these are not cheap pieces of equipment and can take up a decent amount of space. Only 4% have more than 4.

Level of interest in Concept 2 Rower? And Skierg? Both are wanted by a majority, but the Concept 2 was more popular. 3/4 responded with at least a moderate interest.

How many times have you ran/biked/did a wod in the last 30 days? WODs are most popular among this group of followers.

Have you ran an organized race in the last year? Only 25% say yes.

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  1. Why do I think that a jump rope would beat out all of the expensive cardio machines as the first piece of cardio
    “equipment” most folks with a garage gym would buy? 😉

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